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About TheFaddler12

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  1. TheFaddler12


    Yeah, as a youtube uploader myself, you don't get monetized views from embedded videos, however you do get the ad revenue if someone clicks the "watch on youtube" link because it plays an ad before the video.
  2. TheFaddler12

    What was your motive to come to DayZ?

    My motive for tagging along in the DayZ adventure was for the scavenging aspect. I really like that. But there was another reason I stayed. I started back when a lot of the stuff was insanely hard to get on servers, and I never had it down to a science. I don't know what it was about it but the way that I could choose to end someone's day, their fun, and get everything they worked for in one shot made me stay. I like the feeling that if I see a bandit, I know he's murdered and ruined a ton of people's days. I could just stop him from doing that for one day by putting a round in him. It's pretty insane. Making a difference virtually.
  3. TheFaddler12

    How to get the bandit skin

    Nice video! Usually when I get people asking, "How do I get a turban?!" I just tell them to murder, murder and murder. Never blood bag anyone, just kill.
  4. TheFaddler12

    pre game help

    I would really recommend getting DayZCommander. If has a favourite function built right into it as well as a "recent server" function. When you're using DayZCommander, next to the server names are stars that you can hit. When you click them they get filled out and you can find that server in a little tab. Here's the website if you're interested: http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  5. TheFaddler12

    Computer advice please :)

    the 7850 only comes with 2GB of VRAM. Honestly it's a good futureproofing step to take. Adding the extra ram lets you use higher res textures, and it also allows you to have a larger resolution on screen. 2GB is very good is you're playing at 1080p or above. In short, definitely a sick rig OP, enjoy putting most games to high and getting 50-60 fps!
  6. Probably a better place for this would be the "Can I Run It?" thread, but anyways. Arma 2: OA is a very CPU dependant game, and then on top of that DayZ makes it even more CPU heavy. AMD CPUs are really not the greatest performers for gaming. Your graphics card is fine and should be able to play DayZ on high. The 6870 is quite a powerful card, but they does not help you when you're recording with fraps, dxtory, xsplit, etc. The problem about all of these programs is that they are very CPU intensive so they would further reduce the already lower than average performance of that processor. Another thing to take into account is if that computer only has one hard drive, which I believe it does, your performance will also be quite poor. DayZ really does a number to your hard drive and so does recording, so what I would recommend is to get another hard drive into that machine at least just to record to. Make C: drive your operating system and game installs, and then make D: your recording hard drive. To be honest I would save up the extra money and just build a machine for about $1200 so that you get a solid intel CPU, maybe a higher end GPU and another hard drive. If you're not recording, that computer would be fine for medium to high settings in DayZ, but with recording it would be surprising if you could push 30 fps on the high preset. TL;DR: That computer is not the greatest for recording DayZ, you would drop below 40-60 frames easily on medium-high settings while recording. I would recommend a second hard drive to record to, and an intel CPU like a i5-3450 or higher end to record with.