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About randomizer1995@live.co.uk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. randomizer1995@live.co.uk

    Help finding a DayZ vanilla server.

    Hello, I've played the mod for over a year now and miss the days when DayZ was just DayZ without a million AI and loot everywhere. I was wondering if anyone knows of a Vanilla DayZ Server (Standard DayZ none of this Epoch) with little customization, also with more than 20 players. I've attempted to look myself and haven't had any luck! Thanks :D
  2. randomizer1995@live.co.uk

    POONTANG UK Taviana! All welcome 50 Slots! 30 heli's!

    Server was hit hard by hackers, probably not gonna get fixed :'(
  3. randomizer1995@live.co.uk

    POONTANG UK Taviana! All welcome 50 Slots! 30 heli's!

    Got a little problem, upon joining your server I'm met with an error message mentioning that your server is running the wrong version of the server side application? Any fixes?
  4. randomizer1995@live.co.uk

    So ARMA II is £12...

    Well its only £4 extra for the game on that deal, better graphics is worth that £4 to me. Thanks for the replies all!
  5. randomizer1995@live.co.uk

    So ARMA II is £12...

    Hello, Okay so as most of you have probably noticed ARMA II now has 50% off and I'm really not sure what to do... I understand that a standalone is coming out soon and I really don't know if to buy ARMA, without Dayz is it worth £12 and would you recommend me buying it? If I buy now what are the chances that the standalone would come out within the next week or two? Thanks :)