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About AndrewGK

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. AndrewGK

    Group Incentive

    There wouldn't be any side effects for playing as a lone wolf. This is aimed at those who decided to play in groups and then end up killing everyone they grouped up with.
  2. AndrewGK

    Group Incentive

    Anyone have some input?
  3. AndrewGK

    Group Incentive

    Here is my idea about incentivizing group play. Pretty much at this point, there is no punishment for killing other players. You can use others for your own personal gain and then get rid of them. In general, this creates a death match-esque game. My solution to this is to directly correlate humanity with your proximity to other players. Basically, the more time you spend in a player's proximity the more humanity that you gain from being in their presence. The amount you gain would not be linear in order to encourage team play with the same players (very little humanity gain at the beginning and better humanity gain later). Now in turn, killing players that you have spent a lot of time with (and in turn have gained humanity from) will make you lose twice the amount of the humanity that you've gained from them. This is another reason why the humanity gain would be non-linear. Meaning that if you are a bandit and you spent some time with your 'prey' you would not be heavily taxed by the amount of humanity that you lost. Both survivors and bandits would benefit from this because they would be more inclined to work together as a team rather than individuals. The only way this will work though is if humanity is correlated to a status effect in game. Low humanity could mean that you are psychologically unstable and have moments where your screen starts to shake or becomes blurry. Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!
  4. Hello, I was just wondering if there were any people that have a group or would like to group up with me to roam/explore Chernarus with. I know there are plenty of people/groups out there but I just wanted to try my luck. I'm 19 years old and I have TeamSpeak installed. I'm a full time college student so I'll be on and off but will be fairly active (assuming I find an enjoyable group). I've played through a couple of characters and have gotten the hang of the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm still learning but I'm pretty comfortable with playing the game. I created this thread because I feel like the majority of the groups out there, especially in the 'Bandit Campfire' forum are primarily aimed at killing every single person possible in attempts to have the best gear possible (and/or troll the crap out of lesser geared players). I really could care less about gear and whether or not I die. I enjoy the zombie survival experience and if I die in Chernarus then the experience has been great and I'll simply start a new character. My goal is to have a realistic experience where I can enjoy myself instead of trying to kill every single person I see. And finally- what is my (character's) mindset, you might ask? Basically I'm a cynic. Trusting anyone too quickly will ensure death and everyone else is out to get me. What I have is what someone else needs. If I stand out, chances are someone wants to kill me. To lay low, I only kill when necessary and subtlety is key. I could care less about someone else's fancy weapon. If I put my life on the line, it better be worth it. My primary goal is to survive. To survive, I need supplies. People have supplies. Some know where the supplies are. Some have supplies. Therefore I need to know people I can trust to survive in Chernarus. People are both a liability and an asset. Assets will be cherished and protected. Liabilities will be stomped out and left to die. If you'd like to play with me add me on steam: afgenkuong