Hiya I have my own private server, wihch I play with about 6 friends and we're having a blast. However, one thjing has me stumped. I get hit by an infected once or twice, my HP teardrop goes red, I got thru the hourglass, so I take anti biotics, inject some morphine, eat a couple of cooked steaks, bandage myself, but the thing is still red. So I repeat the eating etc with no luck. Then after about 30 seconds with noone within a mile of me, I got thru the hourglass again, and I just fall over dead. So annoying, and really have no idea why Im doing it, and what Im meant to do , apart from blood packs (I think cooked meat is 800 hp return?) Im sure its an easy answer but I cant see it and its frustrating. With only maybe 2 or 3 of us on at same time, and at different parts of the world , Blood packs really are not an option at the moment. Thanks for any help Cate:)