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About Katell

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    On the Coast

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  1. Hi Just started a new priavte hive/server, and am looking for mature, over 35 yr old, regular players to join and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere. 999 Vehicles, one at most Spawn point. Spawn with Ghille, and full survival gear. Send me a pm if you would like to be involved with a new server. Cate
  2. Hiya I have my own private server, wihch I play with about 6 friends and we're having a blast. However, one thjing has me stumped. I get hit by an infected once or twice, my HP teardrop goes red, I got thru the hourglass, so I take anti biotics, inject some morphine, eat a couple of cooked steaks, bandage myself, but the thing is still red. So I repeat the eating etc with no luck. Then after about 30 seconds with noone within a mile of me, I got thru the hourglass again, and I just fall over dead. So annoying, and really have no idea why Im doing it, and what Im meant to do , apart from blood packs (I think cooked meat is 800 hp return?) Im sure its an easy answer but I cant see it and its frustrating. With only maybe 2 or 3 of us on at same time, and at different parts of the world , Blood packs really are not an option at the moment. Thanks for any help Cate:)
  3. Katell

    DayZ Rmod get now!

    If you use DayZ Commander, you will find all the options to 'Update' or 'Add' missing required files. I had the same problem, I was getting a message saying I was missing content needed, dayz_core and so on. Just go to Install/Update option in Commander, and load up all the things it says you are missing. It may also pay to force the mod directory if you have the whole lot stored in a different location to the default. Finally, if you havent already, Run BOTH Arma 2 packages, Arma2 and OA or Combined, run to setup menu and just click out from there. These should get you up n going Cate
  4. Katell

    Completly new to DayZ. Any tips? :)

    Some super tips here thanks guys, Im a total noob, Dwoloading part 2 now, and after a month of WarZ hackers and cheaters, I bit the bullet...Heres hoping I can have some fun. Any particular server hosts that are renown for rpg/survival no PK ruleset? Thanks Cate
  5. Katell

    Any new players that need help out there?

    I am literally downloading Combined Ops as I type. Ive been playing WarZ, but too many cheaters and hackers, so thought Id try the real game, and bought the Arma pack soley for DayZ useage. Im very new, Im basically looking for a friendly rpg style private server , where there is a rule about PK'ing, as Ive had my fill of wall hackers,aimbots,injectors etc. I just want to survive and live, without idiots. If Im fighting a Zombie and dying, I have the choice to pull out and run, with PK'rs I dont have that chance, and it ruins my game experience. I may sound very unworldly, but heck, thats what some PServers are for. Also will be hoping for any tips etc, will probably meet a lot of you helpful guys now Ive decided to try and join a community. Thanks for reading, and Happy Christmas Cate