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Everything posted by Ratsmon

  1. Ratsmon

    frap frap

    I didn't know we can loot ships, what ship is this!?
  2. Ratsmon

    DayZ HackER!

    The music made it so dramatic xD
  3. Ratsmon

    Where should I go?

    I'd suggest hitting NEAF
  4. Ratsmon

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Dear apologies for not following the format, since I have no clue what most of the things mean. So I'll just post what I know so far, I hope that's ok, yes? Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz 2.67 GHz RAM: 3,94GB System type: 64-bit. EDIT: I'm on a PC, forgot to add that.
  5. Ratsmon

    Wild Wasteland (Photo Gallery)

    Using one as my wallpaper, I hope you don't mind. They look amazing :o May I ask for your PC specs, PM me ;)
  6. None. Best experience is if you don't use guides.
  7. Ratsmon

    Simple choice

    Yea, pretty much how it works.
  8. Ratsmon

    What's the best use of a biplane?

    Landing them on buildings that seem almost impossible to be landed one. Yes. I done dat. I cool. Brag.
  9. Ratsmon

    minding the child

    I see your point. You're quite right, I'll be on my way then, shan't I?
  10. So I'm playing on this one Epoch server and I ask on chat if this one person needs help as their gold was robbed at a safezone, I wanted to help him/her get some more. So I arrive at the Stary Sobor Trader(SST) and I glance around if anyone is there. I notice nobody is there so I go outside of the SST with my UAZ and suddenly, the UAZ gets shot at by a HUMVEE I saw outside the SST, didn't think much of it at the time, the server is mostly friendly. The UAZ gets its wheels wrecked, I can't drive properly and I crash it into a tree. I manage to get out and flee into the safezone, but what the bastards didn't know is I had been equipped with 2 very powerful snipers, a DMR and L118A5 or whatever it's name is. I run up to the sniper hill north of the SST and take an aim for the humvee, it was still in place. I notice it starts moving and it drives off, I decide to let them go. When all of a sudden, another one of their victim falls and dies, one of them goes to loot it. The cocky guy who blamed me that I destroyed my UAZ because of my driving skills and that , it wasn't really their fault ' . I take my rangefinder, heart racing to kill the cocky son, I pull the sniper, set the zeroing and pop him into the back, as he collapses down onto the ground and his mate drives off. I then think the words to myself; Don't get cocky son. :) Got a bandit kill for that.
  11. True, and by the time I shot the tires I would've ended up with less ammo, no kills and a barely touched armed and armoured humvee.
  12. Ratsmon

    epoch is a buggy mod

    Oh my god I flipped out, I still can't catch my breath :D
  13. Ratsmon

    Best dayz update vid yet

    Wasn't this posted already http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153166-comedy-sketch-unofficial-dayz-standalone-update/
  14. Ratsmon

    how do i upload Pictures to the forums?

    When you edit your post under the smiley icon you can see an image icon, upload your picture and paste the URL into the bar that pops up when you press that image button.
  15. Ratsmon

    Zombles and Gear Degradation

    This is the best idea I've heard this week. I doubt there's anything much to add, have some beans.
  16. Ratsmon

    The spoils of war

    That's frustrating? That's not what frustrating, what's frustrating is when I had an ATV loaded with top notch gear and just before I reach the Stary trader it flips and burns.
  17. Ratsmon

    First DayZ experience

    You have to switch channels, although some channels are banned from certain servers like Side Chat(In your words, global chat) Usually, well at least for me, pressing "," or "." switches the channel.
  18. Ratsmon

    Did I do the right thing?

    Exactly, party bus all the way! I used to do that on servers blasting AC/DC Back in black and Highway to hell while driving along the NWAF. Good times.
  19. Ratsmon

    First DayZ experience

    Alright, here's my first survival experience in DayZ. It might be long, but in my opinion worth the read. I got into this random server just excited that I bought the game. Apparently it was a german server so I jumped up on team speak and before you know it, I was in a team with 4-5 other guys. We all got into one car, well, most of us, anyways. We just picked up gear and whatnot and our main job was ramming cows on the street and yelling in team speak, also in German, there's a cow, HIT IT! Best experience in a game I ever had.
  20. Ratsmon

    Do You Think Bandits Are Bad?

    These sorts of topics never get an end do they... Every week someone posts a topic like this, every week people say: This is a bandit, that's not a bandit, bandits are a part of the game, people don't know how to be a bandit... Everyone has their own definition of what is a ,bandit'. As well, I don't see the point in this type of discussion. Half of the DayZ Mod population likes bandits, half doesn't. Half of them are bandits, half aren't. Creating these topics is, to me at least a waste of time. Have a nice discussion, this doesn't seem like something I would be interested, just liked to point this out.
  21. Ratsmon

    Did I do the right thing?

    First of all before I even begin a rant, this is just my opinion, you can tell me why it's wrong but the likely hood of it changing is little. I believe you did the wrong thing, even though they had bandit skins that's no reason to shoot them. The humanity system is a big mess in this game and I see more cons in it than pros, because even if you have a bandit skin, survivor skin or hero skin people still kill on sight purely for their "amusement". They approached you with kindness, didn't go out to shoot you but instead of that offered you to tag along with them, you misused their trust and shot them. The likely hood of them shooting you, could be large and small, it varies on the person who is behind the PC. I myself would appreciate the kindness such as that one and tag along, hoping to get some quality banter and whatnot.
  22. Ratsmon

    Do You Think Bandits Are Bad?

    Bandits, as in people who kill me or hold me up for actual reasons such as me having better gear, looking for satisfaction in killing someone they hate / want revenge on and has good gear. I won't get upset. What bothers me is that when people kill someone who has obviously nothing, and say: No mad bro, im bandit i got da law on ma side.
  23. Ratsmon

    New Guy

    Take my word on this, it's best for you to enjoy not knowing what's going on at first in the game. So my advice to you would be to, play for however long you can, learn the ropes by yourself, then team with someone after you've understood the aspects of the game(It's not too hard.) and you'll be set :)
  24. Ratsmon

    I lose my stuff

    First of all, a quote: "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something" - Plato If you've nothing smart to say, but just want to do, what I can only describe as post-hunting or being a general douche, then this is not the forum for you. Second of all. You may be new hence I'll just assume why this -could- be happening to you. 1) You could be logging into different private hive servers(servers that aren't connected to the public hive and each of them has a different database meaning when logging into different private hive servers, your gear doesn't stay the same, however if you return to the other server you will still have it, unless a server roll-back or something in that manner occurs) 2) Again, if you're playing on a private hive it could as well be a rollback or abusive admins. Either way my opinions on the subject here probably mean squat to you and the rest of the people on this forum, but due to the lack of information you posted about the issue you're having I cannot write anything that would help you thus I ask of you to post more information. EDIT: I would just like to express how it amazes me how many people post hunt, as if it would make a difference in their lives. This does not refer to Applejaxc, although that previous post he had made does seem like post hunting... Sincerely, Princess Consuela Banana Hammock von Dusseldorf