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About coolright

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  1. coolright

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    There is no way in hell we are going to get a June release. Were in the end of May and all we have gotten is non-informative videos and laughable pictures. Let me just say this, the game better be 100% when they do decide a release or there going to have A LOT of angry customers.
  2. Sooo... I got around to playing dayz for the first time in over 5 months the other day. Is the game in a completely broken state right now or is it just me? It seems like 95% of the servers can not handle the game and are just unplayable on. I was in cherno, found a player. He shot me, I got the unconscious hour glass and had -blood, we were both just standing still shooting each other for about 10 seconds then we both died. Is this because of all the patches released which broke the game to this level. I know before I stopped playing I had no issues like this, the game ran relatively smoothly. btw it was a tlm server.
  3. coolright

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Wait, did he just compare a pellet gun to an actual gun? Why spit bullshit straight out of your ass? Talk about what you know not what you think you know. I didnt see your edit, I am sorry and I am gay.
  4. coolright

    What do players REALLY want?

    Agreed that starting gear completely defeats the purpose for me but that is what most of what DayZ player base wants, the kiddies at least.I ran a vanilla server with some custom modifications, debug monitor, removed the m107/as50/dmr/l85a2 aws. My players only spawned with a chech bag, a bandage, and a flashlight. Those changes put me in the same place as you, I think my peak was 2 players LOL. Before private hives, I had a 40/40 server that was full almost 24/7. Private hives gave admins to much power over the game and completely destroyed the mod, now if you don't start with a gun, have over 1k vehicles and 24/7 daylight your probably wont get many players. This is why I shut my server down until the standalone.
  5. coolright

    give me some dome

    swag hoe
  6. coolright

    give me some dome

    a skillz and lui whyte
  7. coolright

    give me some dome

    caaaa coon
  8. coolright

    give me some dome

    my name is a skillz and i give free dome on skype. hit me up