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Everything posted by Botelho31

  1. Botelho31

    Realistic Sniping

    because akms are quite realistic in the game and since the devs are working hard in making this game as realistic (still being fun) as possible then yeah, and think about it you would feel a lot more proud of getting a shot with these features implemented then with just staying hours in elektro firing in noobs running because right now its quite easy.And if later you became a pro in this you would be a very important person in your group and a reason for them not to kill you.
  2. Botelho31

    Realistic Sniping

    as i sad man the deafness could be implemented in another cases(or scenes as i sad ) but all the rest you sad is true. and about the wind sorrry about not saying that but im very bad with words especially in english since its my second lenguage