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Mo Mo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mo Mo (DayZ)

  1. So I've been using the Virginia servers for a while and I've really appreciated that they show a difficulty level and a timezone in their server names. However when I log in today I see that it and almost all other servers aren't stating their timezone. I can't seem to find a website or thread anywhere listing the timezones either, and can't find a website for the people hosting the Virginia servers. WHY? Why is no one stating their timezones? Now that I can't find a timezone listed anywhere, I'm noticing huge load times for all the games I'm joining. This huge load time is because there are tons of people repeatedly joining and leaving most of the servers trying to find one in the timezone they are looking for. For servers that are night there are people constantly joining, slow loading, then leaving right away, only for someone else to start joining after. The same goes for anyone looking for a night server. If they join a day server they are going to leave right away. Does anyone know why no one is listing server timezones? This is only hurting the game by increasing wait times for EVERYONE....