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Hermione Granger

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Everything posted by Hermione Granger

  1. Hermione Granger

    Need a gang of ruthless bandits

    12 years old mature, experienced, Skype: SaiphosMang
  2. Hermione Granger

    Looking for US players to form a squad

    12 years old, have immense expieriencw, only drawback is my voice, Skype: Saiphos_Mang
  3. Looking for a group/clan to operate with, I am 12 but mature and somewhat expierienced, I have a Skype, no Vent or Teamspeak, I have been playing DayZ since August and shall be a Scouter/ Medic if anygroups reply I will gladly join :beans:
  4. Hermione Granger

    Looking for Clan/Group badnit/Hero

    Jamie, I would be glad to join you what server do you play on so we can start? :)
  5. Hermione Granger

    Looking for Clan/Group badnit/Hero

    Messed up on font color, highlight to read
  6. Want to play with a small group of peole, or large depending on how many people want to play MUST HAVE MIC I don''t have Skype and pfere Ventrillo, the Server is of your choice, I am younger but not the Children from Call of Duty that complain about stupid things such as PvP, forgive my young age. POst below if you would like to join
  7. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Sure you can
  8. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    I am getting my Microphone soon so we can start playingg, what do you want to do first?
  9. Hermione Granger

    Looking for a group to survive with.

    ^ Doon't listen to him awful Clan if you are interested join [WaS] we are a Bandit Clan recruiting ,not large but recruiting, tell me if ytou are interested: [WaS]: Wolves Among Sheep.
  10. Hermione Granger

    in need of a group

    ^ Don't listen to him, Clan is awful, anyway got a small group of me and somebody else, we have Skypes and are willing to recruit any new players, we are not newbies so feel free to join us! We ARE a Bandit Clan currently recruiting, put [WaS] in front of ye name if you join Thanks!: [WaS] means Wolves Among Sheep
  11. Hermione Granger

    New Player looking for a clan

    ^ Don't listen to him, I've got a small group if you're willing to join, I will think my thread in the next post, tell me if you want to join, we are a Bandit Clan that can teach you some things about DayZ
  12. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    KK, my Skype is SaiphosMang, and as previously said I don't ave a Webcam so I don't know what to do, shall we use some other form of Chat?
  13. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    KK, I was wondering if you would be alright with a Caln Tag after we play together for some time, if you accept it would be [WaS] Wolves Among Sheep, it does however sound quite stupid Lol
  14. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Hmm could do it, I am not familiar with Skype, and I do not have a Webcam, I accept if you wou;d please tell me how to work it, I play on Private Hives, and FortBandit Servers so no problem
  15. Hermione Granger

    Bandit Squad

    This is basically what I do every life of DayZ Lol
  16. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Also I am 12 but mature, do not just turn away because of my age
  17. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Sorry, not Australian, getting a Microphone tomorrow, incredibly sick might miss your reply, but I will see them
  18. Hermione Granger

    Looking for a few good bandits to tag along with?

    Excuse me, but would there happen to be any age restriction, I am quite active, shoot on site if threatened, and follow all of your rules on my lone character, I may miss the first few days of playing considering I am ill, tell me if you are interested. I am 12 if there is a problem, with me joining your group I will not annoy any more then I should. -Hermione Granger
  19. Hermione Granger

    Need Partner in crime

    Lol would join if I could, don't have Skype