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Hermione Granger

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Posts posted by Hermione Granger

  1. ^ Don't listen to him, Clan is awful, anyway got a small group of me and somebody else, we have Skypes and are willing to recruit any new players, we are not newbies so feel free to join us! We ARE a Bandit Clan currently recruiting, put [WaS] in front of ye name if you join Thanks!: [WaS] means Wolves Among Sheep

  2. I would be interested, I am 16, looking for someone to go up north to go helicopter hunting with. I play on a specific private hive server though, so that might be a problem. I also prefer skype.

    Hmm could do it, I am not familiar with Skype, and I do not have a Webcam, I accept if you wou;d please tell me how to work it, I play on Private Hives, and FortBandit Servers so no problem