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Hermione Granger

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About Hermione Granger

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  1. Hermione Granger

    Need a gang of ruthless bandits

    12 years old mature, experienced, Skype: SaiphosMang
  2. Hermione Granger

    Looking for US players to form a squad

    12 years old, have immense expieriencw, only drawback is my voice, Skype: Saiphos_Mang
  3. Hermione Granger

    Looking for Clan/Group badnit/Hero

    Jamie, I would be glad to join you what server do you play on so we can start? :)
  4. Hermione Granger

    Looking for Clan/Group badnit/Hero

    Messed up on font color, highlight to read
  5. Looking for a group/clan to operate with, I am 12 but mature and somewhat expierienced, I have a Skype, no Vent or Teamspeak, I have been playing DayZ since August and shall be a Scouter/ Medic if anygroups reply I will gladly join :beans:
  6. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Sure you can
  7. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    I am getting my Microphone soon so we can start playingg, what do you want to do first?
  8. Hermione Granger

    Looking for a group to survive with.

    ^ Doon't listen to him awful Clan if you are interested join [WaS] we are a Bandit Clan recruiting ,not large but recruiting, tell me if ytou are interested: [WaS]: Wolves Among Sheep.
  9. Hermione Granger

    in need of a group

    ^ Don't listen to him, Clan is awful, anyway got a small group of me and somebody else, we have Skypes and are willing to recruit any new players, we are not newbies so feel free to join us! We ARE a Bandit Clan currently recruiting, put [WaS] in front of ye name if you join Thanks!: [WaS] means Wolves Among Sheep
  10. Hermione Granger

    New Player looking for a clan

    ^ Don't listen to him, I've got a small group if you're willing to join, I will think my thread in the next post, tell me if you want to join, we are a Bandit Clan that can teach you some things about DayZ
  11. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    KK, my Skype is SaiphosMang, and as previously said I don't ave a Webcam so I don't know what to do, shall we use some other form of Chat?
  12. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    KK, I was wondering if you would be alright with a Caln Tag after we play together for some time, if you accept it would be [WaS] Wolves Among Sheep, it does however sound quite stupid Lol
  13. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Hmm could do it, I am not familiar with Skype, and I do not have a Webcam, I accept if you wou;d please tell me how to work it, I play on Private Hives, and FortBandit Servers so no problem
  14. Hermione Granger

    Bandit Squad

    This is basically what I do every life of DayZ Lol
  15. Hermione Granger

    Wanting to play with a small group of Bandits

    Also I am 12 but mature, do not just turn away because of my age