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About hassuchalife

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. hassuchalife

    Humanity Overhaul

    Nice speech Shakespeare, but I don't think you read my later posts; I EMBRACE THE BANDIT IDEA. I think it's good that armed players choose whether to ally with other armed players or kill them, after all, that is what DayZ is about; choices, choices, choices. However it's stupid how people will camp on a hill and snipe the new spawns. I'm not whining about the idea that people kill armed people. It's happened to me plenty of times, and I have done it plenty of times; Its just that you are treating DayZ as a role playing game, which, in a way, it kind of is, but your treating it as if there is a set faction of good and bad. Nobody is ever going to go out of there way and risk their 1-2 week characters to kill the Elektro snipers. And no new spawn can ever get anything done when as soon as they get into the street they get sniped. And about Bandits and Heroes being equally viable paths, currently, they are not. With a hero you have to go out of your way to heal people who are probably going to shoot you as soon as they wake up; And what do you get IF you survive; Nothing. Practically nothing. With a bandit, you shoot everyone so you don't need to worry about this. Do you see a balance issue? I do.
  2. hassuchalife

    Humanity Overhaul

    Im not saying to remove the bandit idea; I think that armed players should engage in combat with other armed players, or be friends with them. That's what DayZ is about; Making choices. However I don't think people should camp on a hill in Elektro and snipe people with absolutely nothing.
  3. hassuchalife

    Humanity Overhaul

    Your still missing the point; DayZ is just becoming a death match with zombies. Humanity should remain in the game and it should be fixed.
  4. hassuchalife

    Humanity Overhaul

    In a zombie apocalypse, I understand how people will shoot others if there armed and will probably try to shoot them, but whats the point of camping on a hill in Elektro or Komarovko and sniping newspawns? I find that the humanity system in DayZ is kind of useless. There is no real penalty for being a bandit aside from being a bit slower (I don't even notice it). Sure the skin helps determine between friend or foe, but half the time I become a bandit because someone shot at me and I killed them in self defense. I have three primary suggestions about humanity in DayZ. 1. A major penalty for being a Bandit needs to be implemented. Maybe if your humanity dips below a certain point (-1500, -2000?), your player will start to go a bit nutty. For example, they may start hearing heartbeats (Of the people they killed), or they will hear gunshots or footsteps randomly. This may be a bit difficult to implement, but there has to at least be something which will make players ask the question "Should I kill him randomly?" 2. Protection. I know that if someone fires at you and it HITS you and you kill them your humanity won't lower, but 70% of the time they fire at you and it misses. Perhaps if a bullet lands within 3-5 meters of you and you kill a person within, say, 2 minutes, it won't lower your humanity. Because, as I said before, most the time I become a bandit because I killed someone in self defense. 3. A greater reward for helping people. The hero system is kind of stupid. You get a bit more speed and a bit more bullet resistance, but aside from that your practically the same. For one, hero's maximum blood could be increased to around 13000 or 14000. Or it could be that so they are harder for zombies to detect (They become less visible and audible). Either way, I just see no point in becoming a hero. The humanity system is broken.