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About chiquiqui

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. chiquiqui

    Bodies just disappearing

    but it did not do this in the vanila version of the alpha. it all changed at once. im sure its juste that the system is not workinng properly so they removed the corpes part of the game and everything despawn. i tried it with a budy and my body stays there until i log off or i respawn i waited about 5 minutes befor doing both. im sure its part of the game that is not ready. i just hold up and help people unless they look to dangerous
  2. chiquiqui

    Bodies just disappearing

    so then why does it also happen and to zombies. me and a buddy tested it out. and your body disapears even if you stay there for like 5=8 seconds before disconecting respawning. its wierd and its anoying. so far since this wierd bug i just stoped shooting people and i make them drop their gear and then let them go.
  3. hello i was playing the game yesterday and i had a problem that all spawn cities were looted and even cities not to far inland. i was having a problem finding food and water for my character. not that a re-spawned and ran across the map im fine since probably everyone died trying to find the way north anyway my idea is progressive replenishment on certain items so lets say a server restarts every 6 hours. each hour look can have like a 20% chance of spawning or something in that area to avoid empty cities was also on a cerver that kept restarteding every 2 minutes dont know if it was the admin looking for somehting or what but it was minorily anoying
  4. chiquiqui

    progressive replenishment

    respawn will probrably will not be the case if what rocket sais is true. this is not the mod btw and this is a sugjestion
  5. chiquiqui

    need confirmation

    can anyone confirm me the pressence of radio's and maps of chernorus in the game i killed someone in the game but his body disapeared almost instantly. all i was was those 2 items. dont know if they are legit items or not in the standalone
  6. hello i was playing the game yesterday and i had a problem that all spawn cities were looted and even cities not to far inland. i was having a problem finding food and water for my character. not that a re-spawned and ran across the map im fine since probably everyone died trying to find the way north anyway my idea is progressive replenishment on certain items so lets say a server restarts every 6 hours. each hour look can have like a 20% chance of spawning or something in that area to avoid empty cities was also on a cerver that kept restarteding every 2 minutes dont know if it was the admin looking for somehting or what but it was minorily anoying
  7. looking for someone to play with. im also new. skype is xxmichelboyerxx but i also have a mumble server so we can have some sorta better comunication other then skype later on