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About Mr95noodles

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mr95noodles

    Base Building

    In DayZ their isn't a good feel for progression, as you find a gun, some food and water and a tent and there is not mush else to do. Their should be a way to create forts like in Wasteland (Arma II mod). In a zombie apocalypse your main goal should be to rebuild society. With bases you could defend yourself, your friends and your stuff. Currently in DayZ, tents are the only thing you have and you are uncappable to defend it well. You should be able to find items to create walls and parts of your base and have it rare enough so people don't just spam it everywhere. This possible addition could make great defendable locations for players making intense firefights for controll. There could be a couple ways to enter and exit bases. one way could be doors with keys for owners to enter and exit. For raiders and bandits there could be lockpicks to bypass the doors and making lockpicks rare for players for many reasons. The conventional grenade could blow a hole through their defences also risking the destruction of loot. Looting dead players can also possibly grant you access to the base. Their can be alot of possibilities for bases tactically and in other ways. Reply with thoughts and other suggestions surrounding Base building
  2. If the game was easier for solo players, friendly interaction would be uneccessary. Since Blood Bags are required to be given from another it gives reliance on people. If It were to change the way DayZ as a whole would change. People would have less reason to form groups. Human Interaction would almost become pointless. When you are a one man tank it isn't very realistic for a zombie apocalypse. Little changes in the game can make huge impacts to the game as a whole.