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About BlackNRed_Cobra

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    my steam name is blackcobrasnp and my clan is BCOT squad
    mY SKYPE NAME IS balack_cobra_bcto
  1. will check it out brother thanks for the info
  2. Um so yeah guys, some of you may know me from youtube, some from forums, but guys im back to dayz. Got obseesed by it again... Anywyas i would like to stick together a little squad to play with causally, but also serious, i have quite an experience, great with rifles etc. Im a bandit in the official dayz but still wiling to team with survivors! BTW I AM IN EUROPE, if you are from the US its harder to communicate but still guys cheers! SO skype me : black_cobra_bcto Keep on beeinin :beans: :beans: :beans:
  3. I stopped playing dayz for some time but then started again, so i updated my arma 2 with dayz commander and the dayz commander: was up to date so i dindt update it, and there isnt a reinstall button next to it like with the arma 2 updates. So the problem is it dosent show any servers at all if i chosse Hide wrong Mod version, when i uncheck it only 4 servers pop up and are still gray. FIX THIS JOSH! PLEASE!
  4. BlackNRed_Cobra

    Youtube Squad, On NAMALSK

    Greetings my Dayz'ers i would like to make a Dayz squad to make a youtube sieries, i play on Namalsk, so im perfectly geared up to now, have over 2 members now all over the age of 14. PM me at balck_cobra_bcto (skype is required) searching for advanced players,willind to deeterimine atleast an hour a week, over 12 years of age ( if yuour not a squweeker, im glad to teach lil kids howta play, mature players are welcome too!
  5. BlackNRed_Cobra


    Name * Zack Gamer tag Steam if u have it blackcobrasnp Email cobra9898cobra@mail.com PLAY STYLE Lone woolf, can function in squads. Sniper are you a bandit-no are you a Hero-yes are you a survivor-no 14+ age allowed to join How long have you been playing dayZ- 1 year What are you best at in a group * Medic Designated marksman - this Rifleman Packmul carries biggest backpack ammo food ect scale 1-10 how good-8 Can u fly good- avarage Can u drive good-100% Skype- black_cobra_bcto
  6. BlackNRed_Cobra

    Looking to make a serious Squad

    yah add me my skype is black_cobra_bcto
  7. BlackNRed_Cobra

    Looking to make a serious Squad

    Would be nice if you told me your skype i am recording soon ! (;
  8. BlackNRed_Cobra

    Looking to make a serious Squad

    FANTASTIC! pelase tell me your skype ASAP, we recording soon!
  9. BlackNRed_Cobra

    Looking to make a serious Squad

    Please do tell me your skype and ill ad you(:
  10. I have been playing dayz for about a year, i always played as a lone wolf, got the best gear but then i began to get boered, killing players bymyself. But now i want to make a proper squad with a medic,siper,support etc. I am 15 years of age, and im happy to get younger poeple in my group as long as they be mature. I am located in Europe so my time may be different from people in the US. My skype name is black_cobra_bcto, my steam name is blackcobrasnp. I am also making a youtube series so anyone interested, please do tell me i will be extremly glad.
  11. ok so here i am looting cherno after playing Dayz for like a week without a kill. I go to loot the super market found and enfield and go to the dfirection on elektro where i suddenly see a bandit with an m24, give him a perfect headshot and take his m24 and head to elektro through the mountains where i stumble across a driving truck with 5 people in side get two shots on it killingthe driver. The other 4 get out and i shoot the first one,right next to the bus the other one 50 m away and two of em try to flank me shoot one in the head right next to me and then the other one. And thats how i became a bandit, the best thing is how tyour heart beats when you kill the survivors,. priceless....
  12. BlackNRed_Cobra

    Haha thats ok, i got over it

    Dude jezus fucking crist man you hate on every post i make. Haha
  13. ha haa yeah but i got over it the same day, and got my first 5 kills so yeah. you know what i mean when a bambi gets precious loot and then looses it. But itts ok now. thanks
  14. you my freind are a fag if you plan posting negative comments yuo can go to a troubled teen forum. cobra out.
  15. BlackNRed_Cobra

    Haha thats ok, i got over it

    haha o kguys i got my gear back thabnks anyways atleast you didnt bitch bout it, i admit i made a mistaje