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Everything posted by Mædic

  1. Guuuuuuyyyyyssssssss..... looong time man! What are the hours you are playing? Your Mædic here ofc D:
  2. Hello, i am Mædic, im a 18 year old bloke from Denmark, looking for a team/clan/group to team up with. - As my name indicates, im the medic, i can be pack mule for medical stuff and give it to the group when needed, i also have some experience with sniping and some close combat. I have skype, ts and vt. PM me for more info. - Hope to hear from anyone soon - Yours Mædic, Over and Out.
  3. I am about to tell you a little story of a day at DayZ So there i was, just newly spawned between Elektro and Cherno on the server: I saw a helicopter flying a bit violently, in the air until it landed, sneaky me was hiding underneath a bridge nearby. I heard a rapidfiring AS50 or M107, a couple of cars got destroyed, and i saw a box. A box which apparently all fellas from the helicopter saw interesting. I knew it was a so called cheat box, and yes of course i wanted some of that sweet loot, so i waited them out, but they apparently knew where i was. And one of the fellas went out to shoot me with a AS50 / M107 - so i respawned just about 3 kilometers away from that sweet box. meanwhile my buddy Casper confronted the scripter over sidechat, he also told admin to look at the logs to see if there has been anything odd lately, but the admin refused. Just moments after he confronted admin, he got kicked by admin. Just after that the admin wrote again "I dont see anything strange". and just after that he told he'd restart the server in 5 minuttes. At that point i knew the admin was the scripter, it was so obvious. So i wrote in side chat that admin was the scripter and BAM. I got banned by admin. And there ends the little adventure. Tyvm for your time to read my little story, about this server where the admin is a scripter. And help yourselves out, dont go play on it unless you want a scripting admin: Zombie Hunter supported by germandayz.de |Private Hive|GMT -6|DE MY406|NVGoggles|M9SD|Survival Gear|Side Channel On|Active Admins|100 Vehicles|(whatever the version is)hosted by gamed!de ^What a joke^ Your mædic over and out. :thumbsup: