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Everything posted by fazza7

  1. Handcuffs, zip ties and blindfolds are three additions I would like to see added to the game. The ability to neutralize an opponent without lethal force is something that should be included especially with the fine-tuning of the humanity system for the standalone game. Obviously there has to be some sort of time limit/durability of restraint. What are your thoughts?
  2. fazza7

    Handcuffs, zipties and blindfolds.

    ok i realise there has to be something to stop people just dumping someone on the side of the road tied up. like maybe a bar of durability of the item say which has a time limit like 5 mins.
  3. fazza7


    This is such a great idea, so many diffrent thing you could do.
  4. fazza7


    DayZ is mostly based on land which fun but it would be cool to add a new dimension to the game. By introduction of Vehicles such as ferries and barge that can transport large numbers of players with the addition of other Vehicles, your island bases will be that much better with other land vehicles at your disposal. Adding a large ship a 1 per server spawn would hopefully give the same rections as the UH-1H for control over a rare item in the game. The ship could be used as a fortified moving base, it would obviously need a lot of repairs and take time to get it to working condition. This would bring out dangerous mission for attacks on the barge and control over the sea. The ship would have to dock and be filled with fuel the sight of a large ship on the horizon would obviously bring a lot of attention and attract snipers an players into one of those epic player interactions situations we love in dayZ.
  5. fazza7


    Thanks guys First off the stand alone game is going to have an new map, and weather or not there are any rivers or lakes heading inland is irrelevant in my opinion. The idea of a large ship/base in the middle of the ocean is exciting!! In a zombie apocalypse the water would be the first place I would want to be. Second I uploaded this idea with a different topic heading but it was boring. So i changed it to Pirates!! because who is going to not look at a topic named pirates? But just take into consideration the word "pirate" means: A person who attacks and robs ships at sea. Thanks again for all the feedback.