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About WhileOnTarget

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    On the Coast
  1. So i have been playing Dayz for about five months. I have raided NW and stary many times, i have ran through electo with a horde behind me, and i have looted countless deer stand with stealth from the zombies of the apocalypse. Though while doing this i was on low pop. servers so i wouldn't die by a bandit right when i got my weapons. I eventually got board with the game as expected, put it down for a month (some because of finals) and now that i have had time over holiday break i realize that the player interaction of Dayz is what makes the game what it is. After rolling with some friends the other night i realized i cant preform effectively in gun battles. I never know where the guy is, i am always caught off guard, and when i finally know where a guy is i miss a 300M shot with a M16A2. My question is how did you bridge the gap from not knowing how to escape zombies to being able to kill bandits and steal their beans with efficiency.
  2. WhileOnTarget

    Players for Dayz

    Hello my name is Brandon and I am looking for a group of people to play Dayz with. I have had the game for about 4 months now and i am fairly good at it. My goal is for all of us to get a car of some sorts and get some good gear. I would like to get at least one sniper, couple of AR's and anything else we can find. I will play with anybody whether noob or pro just as long as you don't shoot me in the back. Skype name is brandonindallas so anyone wanting to gather some good quality weapons and walk around like we own the place, i am all in.