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About pvtpile1981

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  1. pvtpile1981

    M4 and fresh spawns

    LOL owned or he might have been cheating.
  2. FUK no, ive had to put with that terrible feature since ArmA 1, for the love of god Rocket dont put weapon colission back in. The guys that make the ACE mod for arma 2 and arma 3 removed it from thier mod and it is one of the best decisions they made.
  3. pvtpile1981

    RAM disk Dayz SA guide?

    Ive had a look at a few of the older ram disk Dayz mod and and Arma 2 guides but there kind of confusing tbh especially if you have never tried to make a ram disk yourself before. I was wondering if anyone could or has done a ram disk guide for Dayz SA?
  4. pvtpile1981

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Looking forward to the patch.
  5. Deal with it and grow some...
  6. pvtpile1981

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Oh well here I come banditory....
  7. pvtpile1981

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Awesome update.
  8. pvtpile1981

    DayZ: "Survive" Cinematic Video

    Luved it! The narration and 28 days later song were excellent!
  9. pvtpile1981

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    What ever Rocket and the team have.
  10. pvtpile1981

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    Same problem im not getting past Waiting for server response, im just going stay connected to a server and see what happens.
  11. Yeah it does kinda, the zombies esp.