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Everything posted by haywardgb

  1. At last count we had 6 team members. I think we need to do a bandit hunt soon :P Cheers for setting this up Nitro, our teamspeak only holds 8 slots right now though so I'll need to upgrade soon at this rate.
  2. Anyone want to help rent a private server for coop, zombie survival and building? I'm just wondering if there's anybody out there who thinks this PVP death match style gameplay is ruining the whole "Zombie Survival" theme and the cooperative nature this game started out with? I'm not saying don't kill other players, I'm just asking if any one else thinks like me and would possibly consider going in on renting a private server for the purpose of zombie survival, building vehicles, cooperation and absolutely no bandits. We could even designate areas as kill-zones, so if players do want to tool up and fight it out then they've got a place to do it. Anyway just a suggestion.. Anyone? It would be nice to play on a server for more than 10 minutes without being sniped just for the lol-kill..
  3. Having the zombies more aggressive and everywhere on the map, not just near buildings would be better for me. Yeah I'm looking forward to the Standalone version too, hope they release some footage soon :)
  4. There are many servers like this these days, and it's growing, not just the kiddie hosted ones either. I'm starting to grow bored and disillusioned with DayZ lately. One server I go on starts changing the time of day every 20 seconds to slow you down, then shock horror you get ambushed 5 minutes later... I know this is a PVP, but when it first came out it was supposed to be a zombie survival, in my opinion and please don't hate me for this, but I think if you just want to kill other players, then play the un-modded arma 2 or COD. I also consider kill sniper rifles and the likes to be unfair on bambies, because if like me you don't know all the best spawn points etc, you don't stand a chance. It's not a zombie survival game, it's a pvp death match.. They need to rename it ;)
  5. One thing I'm seeing more and more of is server admins banning people with the reason "HACKING". I was banned from this server: DayZ - US 3479 | HFBServers.com (v1.7.4.4/Beta 94876) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:1 ][] dayzmod.com - hosted by Thall by an Admin called Thall. If anyone knows her, can they please tell her to contact me and release the ban as I don't want to end up on one of those bloody global bans. I think the whole system of banning people needs to be structured and fair. I wasn't hacking , I had just spent the last 2 hours getting lost, running from one end of nowhere to another.. I'd like to know what she meant by HACKING! Thanks, if anyone can get hold of her pop onto that server and clear it up for me.. I'd appreciate it... Lee , aka HAYWARD
  6. haywardgb

    The Last Straw! - "Connecting failed"

    Why ask a question, find the solution then selfishly neglect to share your solution?
  7. haywardgb

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    Which part of ZOMBIE SURVIVAL did I not understand then? Not Quake meets COD meets "oh lets throw a few zombies in for decoration"... I'm sure you're going to come back with another flawed argument, which I'll neglect to answer this time round...
  8. haywardgb

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    Every server I go onto these days has that really elite group with all the helicopters and cars. The minute anyone else gets a car or helicopter they elite squad are there within minutes (every server I've been on) to destroy you. This game isn't about zombie survival , it's about ego and lol-kills for stupid youtube fame. Don't get me wrong, I think a bit of pvp should be kept in, but I think over-kill should be punished not rewarded. If these people want to just go around shooting other players, then sod off and play COD or actually play ARMA on its own without the mod. I've joined private servers, white list servers and all those special servers in the hope that I'd find a more cooperative survival against the zombies style game play, but it's always the same old BS , you spawn, run to find a weapon then head to the hills to avoid being sniped by a very bored easily amused player.. Pranking is one thing, getting into clan wars and the likes is okay too, but everything else is just ruining the game for me. I await the "stop crying", "don't play it then" posts.. :P Hugs and peace
  9. haywardgb

    Camo Nets/Tarpaulin

    This needs to be done for the standalone at the very least :)
  10. Quick heads up, not sure how long it will last.. But earlier I found a grenade at the airport and went along to Chernogorsk and blew out the hospital window. At last count I had 5 blood bags and 4 epi pens.. There were loads left, so if you can, get them while they're there. :) 9am GMT , Saturday! PS, anyone want to team up with me.. Come say hi!
  11. " If you posses a hacked item, you and your associated team mates will be banned, regardless of whether you hacked the item in, or merely picked it up of a dead body. " Not wanting to sound stupid, I am new to the game. But how do we know the item on the dead body is a hacked item? I personally have found grenades , which I kept and used on hordes. Do you have a list of banned items? Cheers Lee
  12. As requested. -Name: Hayward -Location: England, London -GUID: 474bc8ab76c2ba3c5330758f626b40f9 Took a while to get that guid.. hope I didn't miss a digit!! Thanks again for the add... Lee
  13. I'm up for that offer.. I'm from London and I'm 40 , not too old ? :)
  14. Me and my son are just downloading and installing the software to run this game now. We are looking forward to joining your server and if everything works like you say I'd be happy to make a small donation towards the hosting. I was thinking of getting a bunch of people together for a shared hosting package, but this seems to fit the bill already :)