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Everything posted by Matteh

  1. I think that is the first I have heard of someone challenging a door glitch on purpose, you dear sir are a brave man.
  2. Matteh

    Securing Buildings

    I've always thought the idea of say a certain amount of players are in a city/town, a set amount of zeds spawn and they have to eliminate them, and the whole time they are there, no more will spawn, the endless waves can make it so hard for newer players. But depending on the scale of the city, the more zeds will spawn, so say Kamarovo, its quite a small village so say a maximum of 40 will spawn to 2 people (20 to each player in small towns), still a challenging number, but with the right planning, they can be taken out or avoided, whereas Cherno, Elektro and even the airfields need to be more challenging, so 50+ per player or something (might be a bit extreme haha) I dunno something like that would be better imo.
  3. Matteh

    I shall become a bandit

    Only time I use a sniper is to cover my squad as they move in to loot an area, no point wasting ammo sat on sniper hill in Elektro killing bambis with flashlights..
  4. Doors; a bigger threat than the zombie apocalypse? Perhaps... Haha damn that is unfortunate
  5. Haha, the exact reason I will never use wireless computer equipment.
  6. Matteh

    Bad Version Server rejected.

    It means the server you tried to join was running a different version, Look at the name of the server and make sure it matches the versions you have running for DayZ, easiest way to do so, if you haven't already is install Dayz Commander.
  7. I thought he was going to turn out to be a douche admin that bans you for finding their camp but he sounds really cool!
  8. My most recent one yesterday; I agreed to meet with a friend at NWAF, I arrived before him and decided to scout out. alot of zeds had spawned by the western barracks, so I got my binocs out and saw 2 guys running around. One had a DMR, the other an AS50. I informed my friend and luckily he had our m107 with him. I watched as these 2 guys carelessly just ran across the airfield, they could have been killed at any moment. Once my friend arrived I ran round to him using the trees for cover, he didn't feel confident with the rifle so gave it to me (hes still quite new to the game), we looked over to the last known area we had seen them in, but could no longer find them. Suddenly a guy on a bicycle fell from the sky and began cycling in cirlces in front of me, then he cycled off to where my friend was laying prone in a pine tree, suddenly he transformed into a guy and was yelling "KILL ME SEAN KILL MEEEEEEEEE" Over direct comms. We're not sure how he knew his name seeing as name plates were switched off on the server, anyway my friend hacks him to death with an axe to keep things quiet, once that was dealt with we again continue to look for our targets. I spot alot of zombies spawning near the control tower so zoom in and scan the area, suddenly I see the DMR guy prone under a tree observing the area, I take a shot which should have killed him but it hit the tree, which for some reason eats bullets :( I shot a few more times but to no avail, suddenly a chopper shows up with door gunners, I pop a shot at the pilot, cracking the glass, and with 1 shot left in the rifle I decided to get out of there, I threw a smoke grenade to distract the zombies around me and the other players but it glitched in the tree, revealing my position, anyway I ran like hell out of there only to get ambushed by the AS50 guy in the woods. :(
  9. Yeah I've seen people put tents on that ship to troll people over to kill them! As for the car I know some of the roads are glitchy, the same thing happened to us with a quad bike.
  10. I also recently got a bandit skin not sure how, I had a hero skin, logged out and when I came back had a normal skin, killed someone in self defence after they start shooting me and then BAM I was a bandit.
  11. Ahaha I'd actually love to come across a maniac like that one day.. I had one similar when I had nvg's a ghillie suit and an m4a1 SD I went into Cherno just to get some food and drink, running along the docks when I suddenly fell through and broke my legs then ended up bleeding to death because I was stuck in the ocean...
  12. I would love to see that footage :)
  13. Ah those damn axe wielding murder clans! Pesky little bastards!
  14. Great video and very nice teamwork! Shame about all the desync!
  15. You have put this game in such a beautiful light and I shall now rethink my approach to the way I play this game. Thank you.
  16. That sounds pretty messed up, would have loved to see it!
  17. At least you took down a player about to kill/rob you ;)
  18. That has to be pretty humiliating to get killed with your own weapon, I'd probably go cry in a corner of a dark room for a month.
  19. I watch their movement, we have a camp in a pretty obvious spot but also it's the last place someone would look for a camp, been there for 3 weeks and not been looted so far. Anyway I log in at our camp the other day and there was a heli crash not too far away so I scouted it out but zeds had spawned there, I was too far to have spawned them myself, then I see a guy crouched in a bush about 20m away, suddenly he moves and begins to come right at our camp, I flank and watch as he runs towards me, then straight past me and getting worried about our camp, I pop him right in the chest, killing him. I generally only shoot if I'm shot first, but that was an exception, but that's the closest so far someone has come to finding us, I usually just hide from players until I am shot at and then react depending to my surroundings and how many are shooting me.
  20. Matteh

    Script Restriction Problem

    I believe -and someone correct me if I am wrong- it is a battle eye problem. You need to go to your %appdata% folder (there may be an easier way to do this, but this is how I fixed it) click 'roaming' in the bar at the top then 'local'. Find your Arma 2 OA folder, go into battle eye folder and delete BEClient. Relaunch the server and it will reinstall battle eye for you and your skins should be ok. Everytime you get a new skin you will need to repeat this process. I hope this helps.
  21. Great read shame it ended to a hacker! Beans4u
  22. Well then there's your choice you either join a private hive or keep joining public servers with hackers and tell them to GTFO. I am sure they will listen to you. They have announced a better security system for the SA. The best you can do right now is to, as I said join a private hive. Simple.
  23. Matteh

    Hero Stories *POST HERE*

    Saving my friends from a sniper in the supermarket in Elektro, just distracted him by shooting towards where the sound was coming from, once he started shooting me back I told them to run out and stay in cover, I had already looted the hospital so had all the medical supplies I needed to heal them, I got my hero skin that day.