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Everything posted by vladimir89@live.nl

  1. vladimir89@live.nl

    Looking for a group/partner

    Hey guys, got a brand new pc so i'm back to play some dayz. I'm currently playing overwatch/origins but i prefer to play origins now because, there are more goals in it like house/base building and which way you want to play a hero or a bandit ( im both fine with it ). I dont have a server yet so we will have to find a nice one where we should play in because of the base building so i wil tell a bit about myself. I'm 24 years old and i started to play dayz somewhere in the last year of december. I live in europe so im on gmt +1 and prefer to play on low ping servers means like most of the US servers mine ping would be way to high to be playable. What im looking for is perhaps to join a group of mature players or make eventually a group of players. I don't care if you are a male or a female or a monkey like me.. the most important thing is if you just like to have fun and play sirieus the same time. What im not looking for is a clan it's way to crowded for me. I'm a chill person so i will not rage hard. I don't mind if you rage but... there are different levels of rage.. another thing is i dont mind if you curse but, don't curse every single sentence else i would have to keep a bucket next to me just to puke in it.. so keep it mature please :). So here are the requirements. REQUIREMENTS - You must be 18+. - You must speak fluent english ( it's not my native language also so don't worry if i can understand you it's good enough). - Would be nice if you are a active player ofc :). - You should be mature. - Be a teamplayer ( if you don't no the definition of it then you are not one :lol: ). - You must have a Headset/mic to be able to talk ( i'm using myself skype/ts ). - Play smart ( so don't run through towns like a Piñata ). If you want to reply put some information like below here. - Age: ( 24 ) - Where you from/timezone: example -> ( EU/gmt+1 ) - Experience: ( Understanding of the game would be good enough ) - You have skype/ts etc: example -> ( skype and ts ) - Tell a bit about yourself: ( not necessary )
  2. vladimir89@live.nl

    Looking for a group/partner

    Still looking for more. :)
  3. vladimir89@live.nl

    Looking for a group/partner.

    Hello guys like you could see on my title i'm looking for a group or a partner to play with i would say 1-4 people would be enough if its a group. I would appreciate if you would read everything before you post thnx in advance. I live in europe gmt +1 so i will tell a bit about myself. I'm 23 years old and this is mine 1ste week actually.. yes playing dayz... but i did research about the game before i started to play so i'm sure i know like 99% of this game how it works... i'm a really fast learner :) . I only played on chernarus and taviana maps but i'm willing to try other maps also. I like to play this game serious and have fun which is the most important thing. I didn't kill someone yet ingame.. but hey if i don't trust someone i prefer to kill him then he kills me. I'm mature but i like to joke around sometime like everyone else but they should not go childish... I'm playing most of the time on EU servers cuz i'm getting huge lags on US servers (not all US servers). I prefer veteran difficulty cuz i don't like the white dots above the heads it makes it to easy. I also prefer to play on public servers, because those are most of the time without extra mods what i know but i could be wrong so like uhmm how to say this "normal mod" or "standard mod"? what i mean with that is like old skool so no 500 vehicles or "rmod"? that is like more vehicles or more weapons or whatever not sure which.. looks to me would make it more easy... and i noticed it isn't easy to find a vehicle which is cool cuz if you do.. it would be something "special which you own" cuz i like challenges and to struggle like a team to achieve a goal with hard work. I also don't like 24/7 daylight only cuz i like to play also on night time.. mostly i just play same ingame time as it is in real time.. to say all in short how more realistic the game is how more i like it. Oh yeah almost forgot i'm a chill guy i don't like to rage... if someone makes a mistake it could be even more fun cuz you have to do perhaps more then you expected and i like challenges.. i look always positive the most of the time... so i hope some of you got the same taste and attitude like me. I know it's lot of "information" but i prefer to keep playing with same group/partner so u know which kinda player you will be playing with. The goals you prolly already found if you took your time to read so here are the requirements. REQUIREMENTS - You must be 18+ - No squeaky voice it's hurting my ears :( - You must speak fluent English at least that i could understand you.. and no worries i'm not myself from UK so. - You should be active - Working mic/skype or maybe something else where we could talk cuz i don't think typing will work out ingame (hard to type if you're busy killing zombie's) - You should be mature - Understanding of the game how it works at least - Helping each other/working which each other so don't be selfish play like a team - Able to kill other players if needed (im not a bandit but its hard to trust people which makes the game awesome) - Having same taste as me and playing the same "game mode"?.. <- I won't play any servers with extra added vehicles/weapons/etc i'm keeping it old skool uhmm i think that's all if you wanna reply put at least some information like below here. Age?: Where you from/timezone: <- would be nice if we play same time :) Experience: <- just interested You have a headset/skype/etc: <- must have actually but still How much time do you spend on playing dayz: Do you prefer public/private servers: Tell a little bit about yourself: If your interested reply here and leave your skype name so i could add you myself.
  4. vladimir89@live.nl

    Looking for a group/partner.

  5. vladimir89@live.nl

    Looking for a group/partner.

    Bump. Still looking for a active partner or group to play with.
  6. vladimir89@live.nl

    Looking for a group/partner.

    I will add both of you when i'm back which will be late in the evening today and will see how it will work out thnx for replying :)