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December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA
sycopata replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
wen year ends, if meditate about what happenet this year, the conclusion is: we need this machine in nex rocket interview to get iformation abot release inminence. I really see they improved the game from what showed in e3, but please stop aim the comuniti to wait day to day the release, just ask a true eta. -
December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA
sycopata replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
THe LaSt LaP -
December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA
sycopata replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
July 2013: -Alpha being released wen buble works. -Alpha being released in few monts The true is they release a BETA. why E3 Feeback scared him so much. SA Imminence level - BROWN -
Arma II in steam dayli ofert only 1.99€ this is a sing they try to get last sells until release of SA!!!!!
SA Immincence level:
I discovered: Mortal Online , the 2013 Ultima Online clone, no longer need you release SA, take your time rocket.
OMG this video make me feel game is so much casual, they kill zombies in mele whit no get hitet... war z soul... PD: i buyet 4770k and 780x2 SLI to run this game at 120hz, but screen shots looks alot more better than game in motion...
Dayz Released in Desember, like roket predictet, problem are they wrong in year.
Yea, i no want to hype, but in june i say, the game is being released in few monts, i no want to hype, but in september i say the game is in last lap, i no want to hype but i really know if game is launchet tis year or not, But y really prefer you hype no askquing a date. Why if in june i asket to peopla game bein released in 2014, probably people not followed the game every weak waiting they going released. Tnx for your fair por marketing rules. You got my money, but not my heard.
The last lap, are being so long. Hipe are a knive whit couble edge, how much long you hipe, yo get more expectatión but also, you get more angry people, my friends joke me alwais i ask hims this game are coming son. i still remember roket words about, relese alpha wen buble works, now bluble works, were is the alpha? sems they really no want to lauch alfpa, sems they expect lauch beta. They can lauch the game wen they think is ok, but a seriusly developer, no ask you so much tiems game is near, game is near game is near, they ask game is coming in nex year. no longer check forum every day , i no want you angry why i hype you.
9 months telling my friends that the game comes out next month, is enough, more than 12 months saying this to my friends, it will be a humiliation for me as a fan. You have 3 months to start working hard. stop going to fairs to present an unfinished product, you pass you more time talking about the game working on. Rocket always say you do not like the hype, but only promise and promise, begins to work, and do not leave until you have turned the alpha on the street. Submit a game that, as soon will be out in full vesion in 2014 with direct x 9 is another insult to the community, so working right now in the migration to direct x 11, this is not an xbox port is a game developed for pc. We all want you to program the best game in the world, and we believe you can meet it, but not acting as one would expect, a leader must be on the battlefield, not in the pressroom. returns to the office and do not come from there. Hire a head of press and communications as all normal companies. This I say with all my heart.
Sorry for spanish languague. Hola comunidad de dayz, ante todo pido disculpas por escribir este texto en Español. Me encantaría escribirlo en ingles, pero mi nivel de ingles es demasiado malo como para expresar claramente lo que tengo que deciros, ya que es un tema delicado y no me gustaría expresarme incorrectamente. Estaré eternamente agradecido si alguno de vosotros se ve con capacidad y ganas de traducir este texto. Empecemos por el principio, dayZ y DayZ stand alone tienen y tendrán un montón de funciones maravillosas para sentirnos en un mundo de supervivencia, y múltiples peligros que afrontar, entre los nuevos que aparecerán están las enfermedades, daños avanzados sistemas de malnutrición etc etc... Pero… todo eso no sirve absolutamente de nada, pues si te ves en una situación demasiado compleja. "pierna rota sin morphina cerca, enfermo sin antibioticos cerca..." y sobretodo si tienes alguien de confiaza cerca que pueda guardar tus cosas más valiosas, siempre ha sido y será mucho más fácil que te peguen un tiro y spawnear sin daño alguno, sin enfermedad alguna, etc etc... Básicamente la opción del suicidio es siempre la más común cuando alguien puede observar las muertes que se producen en un servidor privado. Esta situación resta totalmente el sentido a todo lo que se quiere implementar, pues no sirve de nada que existan 15 enfermedades distintas, si el modo mas fácil de curarse es dando de comer a los zombis y apareciendo tranquilamente en kamenka. Para ser recogido por tus amigos en helicóptero o coche o simplemente por que no tenias nada realmente de valor encima y te da absolutamente igual morir. El problema real es que la vida en DAYZ no tiene valor. Da igual morir 1 vez que 100 de hecho todos sabéis perfectamente como la gente se suicida en la costa sencillamente por que no les gusta el punto de spawn. Pero acaso puede funcionar un juego de supervivencia donde la vida no tiene valor? NO y es por ello por que Dayz ha dejado de ser un juego de supervivencia, para ser un juego PVP. No hay emoción en vivir, solo en matar. Incluso no hay emoción en que te maten, solamente de la de perder el equipo que tengas encima. Que solamente representa eso. Consigues un arma matas otro jugador y ya vuelves a ir full equip. Bien, ya os he contado el problema, algunos seguro que no compartirán con migo que esto es un problema, del mismo modo que algunos no comparten con migo que tener vista en 3 persona es usar un cheat legal. Pero yo amo la idea de supervivencia, y por lo tanto amo la idea de querer permanecer vivo, pues sin esa idea no existe simulación de supervivencia. Y solamente los jugadores que realmente jueguen Roleplay pueden llegar a disfrutarlo, pero lógicamente rodeados por jugadores que no valoran para nada su vida, su experiencia se ve entorpecida. Cual es pues la solución a este problema? No quiero adelantarme a los acontecimientos , pues serán polémicos y algunos se negaran completamente sin siquiera llegar a meditarlo fríamente, alguna vez habéis jugado a poker online? Existen 2 mundos, el mundo de las partidas gratuitas, y el mundo de las partidas por dinero real. Cuando uno observa una partida gratuita, la gente juega sin ganas, sin importarle nada, a lo loco, el juego es una autentica mierda la verdad, y sin duda es cualquier cosa menos poker, alguien ha visto alguna vez una partida por dinero? No hablo de miles de dólares, hablo una partida con 0.1 dólar de entrada en la sala, la partida cambia completamente, la gente juega por ese céntimo como si le fuera la vida, lógicamente de vez en cuando hay algún jugador que juega como si ese céntimo no valiese nada para el, pero es 1 de cada 100, el resto de jugadores luchan por ese céntimo a muerte. Dicho esto ya mucho estaréis imaginando por donde va mi propuesta, antes de que vuestro cerebro empiece a imaginar, dejar que os lo exponga clara y llanamente. Dayz Stand Alone = Free To Play con 100 DayzCoins iniciales Cada Spawn de Nuevo personaje, cuesta 10 DayZCoins Cada Hora que este tu personaje vivo, ganas 1 DayZCoin Cada Vez que mates a otro jugador , ganas 2 DayZCoins. Cada 100 DayZ costaría 1$ Con los 20$ que puede costar el juego en Alpha Acces, podrías comprar 200 vidas, lo que seria jugar y morir diariamente 200 días. Eso contando que mueras 200 veces en menos de 1 hora, pues recordar que cada hora sobrevivido ganas 1 DayZ Coin. Un jugador friendly que viviera 10 horas ya habría amortizado su dinero y podría morir sin perder dinero. Un bandido que viviera 4 horas y matara a 3 jugadores abría amortizado su vida y no perdería dinero Un jugador que sobreviviera 30 horas, ganaría 30 DayZcoins y tendría las 3 siguientes vidas pagadas Todos jugaríamos mucho mas enserio y disfrutaríamos mucho mas jugando. Y intentaríamos sobrevivir, buscaríamos cura a nuestras enfermedades, nos relacionaríamos con otros jugadores para tener mas opciones de supervivencia, y solo mataríamos si realmente es necesario y sobretodo si realmente vale la pena, pues cada vez que intentamos matar a alguien arriesgamos 10 DayZCoins que vale nuestra vida actual para ganar 2 Dayz Coins que ganamos por matar a alguien. A todo esto habría que añadir algo muy importante, las tablas de puntuaciones, a nivel mundial, he sobrevivido 35 horas, y soy el jugador 2340 que ha sobrevivido más horas del mundo, y por lo tanto hay una tabla de puntuaciones donde eso aparece. Y puedo estar orgulloso, eso ahora mismo no existe, por lo que no importa si he sobrevivido o no queda en el olvido. A la larga Bohemia ganaría mucho mas, pues atraería mucha mas gente al juego al ser Free to play, solo hay que ver cuantos jugadores tienen juegos como World Of Tanks. Puede parecer que es mucho mejor ingresar 20$ al vender el juego y ya olvidarte del tema. Pero Eve Online no demuestra esto. Por supuesto esta idea es totalmente mejorable y matizable, pero sin duda, es la única solución para que dayZ sea un juego de supervivencia, y no un juego que pasados los 2 días de novedad sea un simple PVP con un mapa grande.
Sems are imposible you undertan me in spanish, then i try to speak english, no blame me if i no find the true words or is some one are so much hard to undertan. I no ask about micro transaction to buy items, i ask about change the cost of buy the game, to a cost of buy lives, unles to buy a game for 20 30 or 40 dolars, you get the game free, and you get 10 lives 100 DayZ coins, why each live cost you 10 DayZ coins. wen you play and no dead, you get more DayZCoins 1 coin every hour of time, then if you stay alive 10 hours ingame, you get 10 Dayz poins and if you dead you can buy a new live whit no cost. The question is... WHY i can simply pay the 20 $ and play like the mod whit no lives restrictions , the problem are actualy DAYZ are try to being a survival game, ok, what is the objetive of survive? stay alive, and what are your motivation to stay alive in dayz? there are no motivations to stay alive. people can say o you can lose your stuff, but its not true there are alot of systems to dead and save your stuff. But you can ask me again.. why people want to dead? this is a survival game. the response is easy. if you get sick, if you get low blod, if you are in wrong spawn location, etc etc etc.. actualy i own a server and the first cause of dead are suiciding. then why to implement 15 diseases, or blood transfusión restrictions, if the more easy way to get full live and perfect stats are suiciding? there are not true motivation to try to survive. Then i medidate about poker games, i play poker games, in micro bets, and i played poker games in free money , wen i play in free money i no feel i play poker, why people no play seriusly, they no worry about risk and go all in in all hands. wen i play in 0.1$ games, people play like they got 1 millon in the table, 0.1$ is not alot money but sems is enough to people play seriusly, and people try to manage his bank roll and risk the just. then sugest to roket and boemia to use this whishdom. until get 20$ from a copy of game, give 10 lives for 1$ and deal apreciate his life, obiusly if you only lose 0.1$ wen you play, you not get a motivation to play, every day you play you lose money, then to compensate this i ask give rewards. 0.01$ every hour you stay alive and 0.02$ every time you kil some one, this give way to players to play Free is they play carefull and seriusly, This simply cange give valor to your live, and make all players play like they are true alive, and not like this a rushers suiciders. obiusly if you no get valor of your money you can still play like a silly boy but this are a small percentatge of people. Also this give to boemia a way to increase a lot the maxium of players, actualy 1.7 milion of people have played DayZ mod. you can supose 1.5 milions can buy DayZ stand Alone, then i traslate this on money 1.5 milions x 30$ are a nice amount of money 45 milions of dolars, but if you make the game free, you can get alot alot alot more people i can ask a reasonable number 30 milions of players, obiulsy the 50% of them just play the first 10 lives and no longer play it but if the rest start to put 1$ every weak/month depend on his game skill at final you win alot more money, and the money not stop before you sellet all copys, you can still geting money for long time, until you get a stable amound of players and still geting money. Why i want they win money? well i can pay 20$ for the alpha and forgot all, but im sure about one think, league of legends is continus updated why they win money every day. the games what i buy on steam, only get 1 or 2 updates before released to fix isues. i really they still work on dayz why love it. and love people play like they are true live, not like his live not worn. wen i have to choise to try to kill or stay hidden, i have to decide i want to win 0.02$ and risck 0.1$? then i have to decide. actualy i have not to decide nothink i just shot, why if i dead and lose all what i own, only need get another weapon and find some one to kill it again. you can try to desire to change mind about people implementing alot of thinks on the game to prevent full pvp late game, but the only way to prevent it are puting money cost risc of being PVP. At least whit the 20$ what you want to pay for a full game you can buy 200 lives, if you manage well you can play infinite why you can win more lives just playing seriusly. and if you decide to waste your lives then pay. probably finaly you start play seriusly. wen you spend enought money. I NEVER SPEAK TO BUY WEAPONS ITEMS ETC... this is not WARZ
There are not advantatges on my system, you no pay to get items, you pay to get 1 live,if you stay alive enough you play free, if you dead in less than an hour you lose your full money. if you survive half time you safe some money, but if you stay live for long time you earn money to play live atempts. you can easy get 30 millions of players if you going to free to play system, if you go to stantard system you probably get 1 or 2 milions of players. if boemia win continus money from the 30 milions of player on micro transactions they can continus working on dayz stand alone, and improving game and servers if you think boemia suport dayz stand alone before the game stop selling in 1 or 2 years.... you are in wrong direction. see eve online, is continus actualitzed, players pay to play, but they can win money in the game to pay his play acces. this is similar system but attachet only on pay to live. not a pay to win. and its more like, live to win. Is not a perfect suggestión there are some thinks to fix for example, the problem if people start to kill people on spanws to earn 2 Dayz Points But are not hard to find how to solve: To prevent people killing people in spawns, you can put a system by if you kill some one in the first 10 minuts after he spwan you lose 10 dayz Points, or increase the spawn locations, and prevent spawn if another player are 1kilometer near... and are able to pfind alot more ideas, but the important are give some valor to your live, actualy the live in day 0 have no valor, i dont think roket really want to make a survival game wen your live have no valor. what is the sense of survive? run to city take a pistol and lets go pvp ELECTRO PARTY!!!! no tanks.
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Base building - Why is it so important to everyone?
sycopata replied to m.cab's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Actualy in Zombiespain, we got 3 servers whit base building, and actualy there are a discusión about base building, some people like it some peple hate it, why? base building makes people close ins his bases, and you can play in a full server and no see poeple moving in vehicles or walking around the map, also people not got measure, 1 month after base building released, a clan of the server have closed in his base 56 vehicles the 60% of the vehicles of the server. you can see the base building here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaRy8m7b9tvXZ5y7mJrwiLz_an-tGBLCK -
E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay
sycopata replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
sems few months is what they really need to make somthing playlable, welcome back to reality, you all astket alot, alot, alot times they are showing a early pre alpha, it is a build creaded 3 days ago by dean words, and now surprised from few months to release? he need its to make a ALPHA. they never sell you a pre alpha, whit a engine and few scripts. at really they got a big balls to show this in E3 , the normal are companies show CGs of how they supose the final game looks like, and dean have showed how really the game looks like now, bad idea in my opinon, but honest one. The only point what scared me so much, are they dream on launch the game in consoles, if they doo this... can make they make the game more arcade to cauch casual gamers. please microsoft and sony no buy dayz. my last words for dead, remove the quick bar, sems you asket finaly you have to work more on animations, but you no rejectet the bad idea of quick bar. this is not warz. tnx. the only nice point of quick bar, i really no have to use it, the bad point, are if i no use it i play in disbantatge, this is same as using 3rd person view, i hate it , but if you play in 1rst person, you are laket in camera options to see back walls etc, then you finaly use 3rd person view to balance vs others players. hate it, hate to play in stiles what i no like why other styles get advantatges.... can you all stop playing in 3rd person? this is not gears of wars, its suposet a simulation play it in first person, tnx alot -
E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay
sycopata replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Before read 17 pages, I have to ask this: If you think the actual work showed is nice, you are not prepared to bee an alpha or beta tester sorry. What Rocket need are beta testers who ask to him sorry you failed in some points, are this ones and you have to solve its, go work again and give me new stuff to test. -Zombie animations need a full rework the stuff created in motion capture make him look like ridicule. Some times motion capture is not the best way to find dramatically animations, I know you expended a lot of money on motion capture sessions but its a fail. -Inventory system is not working, this is not a mmorpg, you have to loot more fast, especially before you make zombies running inside buildings, we can't lose time draging items whit the mouse. -Player animations make him look like ridiculous, again motion capture is not enough, and you need an animator artist to rework on motion capture animations, to make it look like better. Contract one there are a lot of people finding work. -Remove the way to loot all what is close, if the finally of put loot hidden is to improve scavenger, why I can loot all near me? Opening my inventory? -Remove quick item bar, this is not warz , the best point of dayz are you need time to make actions. Like change weapon, like open my bag, to take an item etc... Also broke immersion , more stuff in screen, less immersion, UI fail sorry, rework. I prefer some criticism, to people asking me , nice work give me the game now, is perfect. Take my beans, game is awesome, take my money now. This is not the way, but the nice point, are they can change way, just need true feed back, no need people asking him how well they do, him selves can see went they do some nice, the hard is see went you do some bad. that’s why they need feed back. Open your mind. -
E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay
sycopata replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
I think that deep down we are all disappointed, some more so, some less demanding can try to see the positives, but certainly anything is clear, it is a lot of work, and there are lots of things to change drastically. the first and the elimination of fast usage bar, we are attempting to minimize the ui to create a more immersive admosfera and icons fill the screen, the second is the animations of the zombies, sorry dean, I know you worked a lot in the capture session, but you have to be self critical and despite it's you the author of those animations are bad, the animations of weapon 2 were far better, and that's pretty sad. animations in general need a complete change, I will not talk about bugs and glidches, as this is understood to be refined and improved, but note that the road is still wrong, and you have to rectify tiepo ahead, a clear example is the space for objects, divided by areas haveis totally unnecessary wear and tear, would have to be unified, and simply extended when you wear clothing that has more slots, so would avoid having to moving objects by dragging them to the right place, add the option with the right mouse button you can choose if you want to place the object in your main inventory or backpack and all so happy, but force players to drag objects around the screen, is certainly an error. I believe in you, with all this criticism is my humble help you to take the right path. will not fail us, you will not let this stand alone below many user created mods now and still working on your original mod dayz, I do not think that after waiting so we will have to continue playing the mod for that we see best content. I want to believe that you will put to work hard on the important aspects of the game such as gameplay. if you need help, look in your community are very capable people working in parallel in your mod that perhaps also need the opportunity that you had at the time and that could bring a lot to your project. a hug and for the good of all I hope you read these words. -
First wee need remove fly sound from the recent dead bodies, sound can delay by 5 minuts , and after we can add a button to simulate you fall dead in floor, this can give you a extra way to survive from a sniper went he shot you really close or in the battle confusion. And give the need of finish him corpses in floor to ensure they are dead. This is a common way to survive in wars, and can improve game dynamics. Thanks for you fee back
Actually in mod you can hide corpses, this make corpses disappear, not realistic, and destroy the items of corpse, and prevent form other people to scavenger from corpse include the way to recovery the corpse form the original owner, I think a good idea was you can graph a corpse and move like you move a injured person, and make able you hide it back a wall, rock, inside a house etc... This difficult people to recovery corpses, but at the same time give a try to final fin id, or some one can find it, and get some stuff. Thanks for your fairy fee back.