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Lonely DJ

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Everything posted by Lonely DJ

  1. Lonely DJ

    Rules of Engagment

    I stick to the shadows with my sniper rifle so I apply RoE every day. Pullin the trigger: Bandits Watchin carefully: Any groups Survivors that could be hostile to others. Anyone with a sniper rifle Casually observe: Bambies Heros
  2. Lonely DJ

    Guy in the back...

    I am on Day 6 (server was wiped or I would of been on 10) with this character, Ghillie Suit and Camo SVD make surviving a bit easier ;) but i normally opt for my Survivor clothing and my CZ550 when around towns just due to the fact that i avoid people to the point where i dont need the camo. I have my lone wolf tent hidden in one place and then my food/ammo tent close to my friend's tent in another place for our group. The best part is I play on a private white list server so everyone has an idea who everyone is...they know my primary operating area yet no one has found me yet so I have done a decent job so far with hiding.
  3. Lonely DJ

    Cornered by Bloodsuckers, wat do?

    It should kill them instantly if they leave with the combat timer on...i believe that is how it is supposed to work? Owell, they fix that in the next update.
  4. ^Or just take an axe and beat the tent..?
  5. Lonely DJ

    Looking for US tactical team

    Make him use a SVD without a rangefinder or a spotter to give him range if you want to test a snipers skill. That is why I use the SVD...lol sexy to look at (if you can see it), takes skill to use, and rare ammo makes you pick your shots.
  6. I watched a guy run into the Elektro store with a train of zombies. I watched him take it up the butt for a few minutes until he finally killed them all. I told him how I could of ended his misery if i wanted to and asked if he was friendly. He called friendly and asked for blood so I gave him some...he then offered the extra M16 out of his pack as payment for the blood. We looted together and then i noticed him basically humping me and he finally turned and walked out. I instantly checked my bag to find he stole my CZ 550. I grabbed the Lee off the ground and gave chase. He took off sprinting drawing agro so I shot him in the leg and watched him suffer. Sadly, his buddy earlier took the M16 that i was offered and mowed me down before I could get my stuff back. TL;DR: I don't trust anyone now and will gladly shoot on sight if I don't have a way to escape. I avoid conflict due to my wifi and from respect...unless I know they are a bandit, a threat (sniper rifle), or near my tents.
  7. Lonely DJ

    Guy in the back...

    The first weapon I hunted for while collecting gear for heading North was a CZ550. Everyone hates on the gun saying it is terrible but it suits my style. I play on the edge of cities. I only run in when i need supplies or to check for military gear. Most of the food i eat is cooked meat and I will do whatever I can to avoid people, but will take a shot if threatened. They don't need to see me, but the chance of getting spotted is enough unless I know i can evade them. I sometimes play with a friend, yet I have a tent hidden from even him just so i always have my supplies and less need to go into civilization. I'm not a bandit, I will help or give blood if watching someone long enough to know their style and if trust worthy...but normally, you will never see me.