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    On the Coast

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    hi, looking for advice on a cpu and mobo upgrade. to run this game smoothly at about 30fps. I'm currently playing it at around 12fps on these current specs. core 2 duo 2.0ghz nvidia 8600gt 4 gb ram 32 bit vista. 300w psu I've just purchased a 500w psu and a 550 ti gpu. I've got about £200 to spend on mobo, cpu and ram. seen a bundle that's in my price range that consists of FX-6300, the appropriate mobo for the cpu and 4gb vengence ram. would that be suitable or have you got a recomendation for my price range. cheers rene

    To Shoot or not to shoot; how do you decide?

    i'm starting to think just go down the route of shoot on site. Regardless. i'm fed up of bumping into people and declaring friendly then after 2 mins of conversation just getting shot for no reason. for example, last night i was in cherno being chased by a mass of zombies and went for fire station ladder. as i approached the top i saw a bloke lying there waiting. i started climbing down but realized 10 zombies isn't really an option. i declared friendly while on the ladder still, then climbed to the roof. when i got onto the roof i saw the bloke had moved to the far side and was prone. he declared friendly upon my arrival and to make sure he understood i was friendly i turned to face the ladder to show i wasn't hostile. he approached me and we conversed for 2 minutes, i never turned away from the ladder while this was going off and he stood beside me for quite a while, then all of a sudden, bang bang bang into my side. never provoked him. i was about to leave to because the zombies had dispearsed. so that encounter was the nail on the head for my friendly play style. i have never killed another player. just been killed by them. but thats now changed.