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About johnabc123

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  1. I can't believe he didn't catch on to us.
  2. I agree, it is not hard, just boring. I liked the old way better, be careful, but you don't have to crawl across the entire map. The new settings have honestly made me play less carefully, as I know that the zombies will see me regardless of my actions. Now I jsut run from point a to b and kill the zombies off out of town later on.
  3. I liked the old sight settings better. It made you be careful, but you could still crouch with care and get on with it. Now it's very slowed down, which some people like and some don't. I personally think it was better before.
  4. johnabc123

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    It would be cool to have some locked buildings on the map that you can only get into with a crow bar
  5. johnabc123

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    These are nice and all but one that would say something along the lines of "friendly", or "who's shooting in Cherno" would be even cooler. Out of the ones listed, I like the first one. It's the most unique, since Dayz won't be alpha forever.
  6. johnabc123

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    The zombies see/hear you from MUCH too far away. I like the spawn system though, maybe add a compass in!
  7. johnabc123

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I'm honestly not liking that, I was very far away so there seems to be no way to avoid them.
  8. johnabc123

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Zombies are seeing me from very far away! Even when I am prone or crouching, they come after me in huge numbers.
  9. johnabc123

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Where do I get the update, I don't see it in the downloads page.
  10. johnabc123

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Is there any way to make the beta patch work with steam, or do I have to just leave it as a desktop shortcut
  11. Nice video, subscribed :)
  12. YES (kind of) I think a small visual clue would be more effective (maybe a bandanna) Easier to see at range and not overpowering
  13. johnabc123

    Rocket, where'd the servers go?

    Screw the hackers, and a good move to take down the servers for the moment. Just today I was playing with my friends and we suddenly all turned into priests in black robes (lol). And of course, we spawned in the ocean the next time we spawned with everything lost.
  14. Jeez Arreally and septuscap, you make it seem as if he's ruining the forums or something. Calling him out for sharing his ideas and thoughts on the mod. So what if he said he's enjoying it? Quit being pretentious jerks because in reality, you're ten times worse than the op. Why not say why you agree or not, rather than commenting how his posts are worthless. Back on topic now, I think that's an interesting way to look at how to make the ai. Making them act more like a player would.
  15. johnabc123

    Reply to Rocket about zombie AI

    Rocket, I know you like the fast zombies, but here's my view on it. The more fit you are, the faster you can run. Zombies aren't exactly what I'd call healthy, so I think they should run at a slower speed. If they would run 15 to 20 percent slower, but in turn did some more damage I think it would work out better. And as everyone else said, making them a little less precise would help too. As far as the forests go, I think they should remain empty. An occasional grizzly bear could keep people on their toes, and I think it would help keep things varied.