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Everything posted by deevote

  1. deevote

    How do I get healthy?

    Eat AND drink to full to begin regenerating blood(no status message in the inventory screen) and then when your blood is topped off, you will begin "healing". You will see this in the inventory with the other status'. You MUST not be sick to be healthy(ofcourse), so take antibiotics even if it doesn't say you are sick. Sometimes you might not know you are.
  2. There are small protector cases that are yellow pelican cases that do exactly that. You can store anything from weapon attachments to food in there, no problem. Takes up 4 slots for 6 slots inside. I had 3 of these and used it store stuff like maps and compass, since I could still hotbar it.
  3. deevote

    Head torch

    Agreed, but the weapon flashlight works well for the M4 rail system.
  4. deevote

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    Did you even read the post? Where was recoil even mentioned?