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Everything posted by psstloaf

  1. psstloaf

    Change the name to Day I

    When there's no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth! :)
  2. psstloaf

    Walking Zombies

    3 dayz it take the human body to decay, Zombies should slow from full human speed over this period.
  3. psstloaf

    Resting and Restoring Blood

    water should do it too the first time i lost alot of blood in dayz i went upto the nearest well, Drank - refill - drank over and over again! sadly after a few goes. blood did not replenish :(
  4. psstloaf

    DayZ SA.... Horses! Listen out.

    good future release, take my beans!
  5. psstloaf

    New spawn system

    random location spawns, players will only know if there already in the area/ seeing it happen!. if you had no other spawns after server start performance would not be impacted because all consumables would have already been used up.
  6. psstloaf

    Make Players Unique

    stopping players being rambo is my point but if your good at it, go for it!, you'll only get better at it.
  7. psstloaf

    New spawn system

    crash the plane in real time.. you could also do this with buses and boat alike!
  8. psstloaf

    Taking cover addon

    who says you cant play dayz as if you were Sam Fisher haha?
  9. psstloaf

    Dayz Standalone Random Events suggestion

    if you had a radio like fallout 3 which attracted zombie if you had it on blah blah.. that could give you the opening of a quest like scenario.. suddenly a broadcast comes over the radio or you see writing on the walls for example that a military trunk has broken down and need of assistance. you could even send in a npc controlled jumbo jet plane to come crashing through the city, dont think youll need a radio to know that ones there, everybody willl see it across the map will... spawning new items and even new players but also attracting the attention of all players who see it already on the map to its location resulting in gang warfare for a few scraps of loot.
  10. psstloaf

    Sleep Mechanic?

    yes. staying online while not being logged in would be a half decent idea because you would have to find safe haven to sleep and heal your wounds, sleep is the best cure in real life.. but its a fine line to becoming to much and no longer becoming fun at all. as long as it keeps the thirst for life im happy!
  11. psstloaf

    Taking cover addon

    wall hugging. you may find it easier to blend in.. yes please!
  12. psstloaf

    Make Players Unique

    infact levels could determine exactly the way you play, the more you do something the better get at it! practice does make perfect.
  13. what if the player you just killed got up and started trying to eat you!
  14. i like third person and play the game in it because i like to know if my character is in shadow etc.. but this does give a unfair advantage true. and it is a shame because the first person view gives such a added realistic affect to you living this life through his/her eyes. i play in third but i can live without it, use crosshairs if your ill :)
  15. psstloaf

    Treasure and Money

    trading may naturally happen between communities of friends and maybe a few outsiders. this game has the potental for that. we already know there are servers where lots of player have cordoned off an area of the map to store all there junk/ heli's etc anyway. cant see people always shooting seeing that they maybe next! saying that gives a single player a disadvantage unless there jack power :)
  16. psstloaf

    The sounds of dayz need serious work

    wonder why hes not just taking the dayz mod as the stand alone and update as tech gets better, i care not for single player story.. in this game your a single player in a story. try a survive thats the point, i believe anyway. but yes, stable it out first . there is a massive list! here one relating to this post .. Zonal Direct Comms around your player for example players are louder the closer they are and if there on your right etc..
  17. psstloaf

    Adding to the pile; A few of my suggestions

    hand gestures are great idea to stay silent Fire- maybe like far cry 3 best to date in my opinion yes.. how far can we go to create real life!
  18. what about individual bullets and you have to fill your clips. sounds like a currency to me :)
  19. psstloaf

    Combined Clips

    Swapping out Mags is cool! But please let us combine the half empty clips
  20. psstloaf

    Make Players Unique

    i was thinking all levels when you die! yes wouldn't it be cool if you could have a badge or an arm band which you could place on your cloths anywhere.. yes bring on the sewing kit :P yes love the idea of having to keep warm too.. what if it also restricted movement and maybe added armor too.
  21. Toolbox should be fine! making every house enterable would be superb!! yes please. start a sever with a random generated map maybe asking alot but would stop all exploits and keep travelling an adventure. and what about a miners cap with a headlamp on it or attach the flash light to your person with tape or something. what about a crappy old fire lamp which you need matches for and you could attached it to your belt. agreed about the water bottle, drink 50% your bottle get 50% quenched in the that situation i would most likely go to the bathroom in my trousers anyway.. but what if the zombies had a area of smell aswell as vision and hearing :S ... it would make you change your cloths or go for a dip in a river :P and at the very least a push away! i think more zombies with a lifespan would be great.. what if dead players got up off the ground and tried to start eating you !!! .. Get your gear back then haha ! Sorry i had to read in stages hope that ok. :P
  22. psstloaf

    The sounds of dayz need serious work

    if a real player made the noise by hitting into the bins or even a zombie then please.. i have my reason to look!!
  23. psstloaf

    The sounds of dayz need serious work

    Agreed, i think sound is one of the most important things in this kind of game.. accurate sounds from actual things happening would be great nothing extra like the ghastly bins being rustled. i know no one is rustling those bins but it did make me look the first few times. that sound should not be in the game at all.. full stop!. pointless.
  24. psstloaf

    New backpack idea - Tetris style

    Why not make pockets over body separate from your backpack. and use a quick select wheel for all your pockets/ shoulder strapped weapons etc. have the backpack still have to be opened as inventory, you could even use pockets on the backpack.... if a pockets full or has anything in it, it gets added to the quick select wheel. something they defo need is weight added, and if it also impaired movement and sound plus fatigue the more you carried. that would be top notch, travelling light may become an advantage..
  25. psstloaf

    Open all the doors!

    fully destructible environment