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Everything posted by psstloaf

  1. psstloaf

    Choose body shape of avatar

    being fat dont have to be a perk. it could just stop you camping, eating all your supplies! fattys can last longer being able to burn more body fat. the body starts to eat itself after starvation kicks in.. also they may make a better punch bag being able to have a higher resist to bludgeon type punishment.
  2. psstloaf

    Number of Players/zombies killed

    why not have a after death leader board so after you die and your AI decaying carcass starts trying to eat people. tally up the nom noms
  3. psstloaf

    Choose body shape of avatar

    why not let the game decide after the way you live out your dayz? eat to much, no exercise, get fat etc. smash loads of zombie skull, become power house the mighty and so on!
  4. psstloaf

    Functional Glasses

    sunglasses would be cool if a filter went over your screen when you put them on, maybe even dampen flash-bangs, gun flare, sun light and the works ... is there not a tactical spectacle that kills flash bangs, bang? ..not sure!, .. protective goggles would be great from frag shrapnel etc
  5. psstloaf

    Real time plane crashes

    could be used as a spawn point
  6. psstloaf

    Alternative Creepy Music for DayZ

    i have to say no to all music sorry ..opening cut screen or something like that, fine! but if a game cant give atmos without music and works off its own sound effects .. its not worth playing to me. although i do hum the batman theme choon as im running down the street . so maybe you have point, :) well done for effort tho wouldn't want to belittle talent.
  7. love the unlabelled tin can -could be anything!
  8. psstloaf

    Number of Players/zombies killed

    being able to etch into your gun sounds cool, also patching up or writing/ drawing on your backpack too. adds a personal touch -stealing or prying it from a players dead hands with lots of personal touches would be awesome ... wonder if there's going to be practicality to gun and suit personalization ?? like taping 2 mags together to get faster reloads or adding extra pockets to your clothes, straps on your guns extra.. doubtful in the first release of the stand alone but maybe for the future as long as it sticks to updating the game you have and not Dayz 2 or maybe even 3
  9. psstloaf

    DayZ Mod Update

    can females now wear gillies?
  10. psstloaf

    Ideal opening-track in DayZ

    Sick for dayz in so many ways!
  11. psstloaf

    Skill System in DayZ?

    cant you use your natural progressive non skill, skills to chop your morning wood without being detected ? :D
  12. psstloaf

    Skill System in DayZ?

    skills define who a person is and the way they play, lets use breaking into a house as an example because its something you maybe able to do in future dayz Picking Locks -Intelligence+ maybe! Kicking the Door in -Strength+ ??? Climbing in a Upstairs Window -Agility+ the more you do something the better you get at it! Wouldn't it be cool if you were in a gang of 3 with each of these attributes. mr climb in the windows would be the sort of gangs scout, the intelligence chap could be the medic, covert ops, builder and so on. and as for the strength guy well we all know what hes good for ... Gang mule ;)
  13. psstloaf

    Skill System in DayZ?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/116509-make-players-unique/#entry1101903 I second this idea, Now take my Beans!
  14. psstloaf

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    i want myself to be trying to eat me when i try to get my loot back off myself :P
  15. psstloaf

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    if you could cut the suit open would be cool, rendering it useless. unless you patch it up or something
  16. psstloaf

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    walking helps circulation, blood flow and stamina but i doubt you'll get it from one street. Birthday level up :P its just the oap stage leading to death, i dont think would be very fun in a game. :D
  17. psstloaf

    Very big building on DayZ map SA

    sky scrapers/ tower blocks would be awesome!
  18. psstloaf

    Face camo paint / Military camouflage ?

    rub dirt on your face :D
  19. psstloaf

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    do you not progress in real life to achieve better things ? the more you do something the better you get at it!!! not everybody is the same
  20. psstloaf

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    loots bad but if there was xp and player level which you lost at death! everybody would thirst! also if your corpse turned into a zombie when you died, getting your loot back wouldnt be so easy!
  21. psstloaf

    Change the name to Day I

    Day Zombro Mexican release
  22. psstloaf


    straight forward heel kick. yummy! you could kick zombies away, doors down or even knock players off balance. superb! yes please! its time kick ass and chew bubble gum!
  23. psstloaf

    Change the name to Day I

    how many dayz can you last?
  24. psstloaf

    Walking Zombies

    cant dead players get up and eat you as zombies?