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Everything posted by psstloaf

  1. psstloaf

    Make Players Unique

    this overtime could also change body structure so you could spot the "strong guy" in the group no problem or even the "free-runner" from there physique
  2. psstloaf


    you get my beanz for that. :D :D :D haha
  3. psstloaf


  4. psstloaf


    agreed, for the standalone i think rocket and his gang are looking at taking off the HUD so you will not have a straight up visual to your water etc but ether way all i can see for this is just putting it alongside those indications
  5. psstloaf


    make it just like sound. aoe bubble round the player - more stink, bigger radius aoe bubble of sense of smell round zombie - deminish over time overlap the two! you have been detected!
  6. psstloaf


    am i right in saying it takes 3 dayz for the human body to fully decay? not sure! but anyway! at first infection/ change whatever you want to call it all zombies should be fully working human hosts and only start to rot and slow and just get crapper over time.
  7. psstloaf


    i would run round naked if you cant control your bowel! drop your load, laughter or no! .. im sorry this is DayZ so you maybe seen!
  8. psstloaf


    i see where your coming from and like the idea of you the player having some sort of sense along those lines but your right! this is imposable you will only ever have sound and sight and screaming out poo wee whats that stink will only get you detected by someone elses sense of sound. gas can be detected with a desorption of sight i believe.. but what i was looking at was not the player being able to smell but the npc enemy. i think zombies should have a sense of smell gives more for the player to think about while hiding in the shadows.
  9. psstloaf


    no one wants it harder? keeping it as only seen and heard?? are zombies not meant to have all human senses only dampened over time??? are you all weak gamers????
  10. psstloaf

    Throwing Hatchets

    id lob my hatchet in real life if i had to. i reckon anyone would!
  11. on server start if your looking at random loot spawn locations why not buildings, landscapes and structures also? fully randomly generated map! with no respawns so servers can over long periods of time just be smashed down to rubble and wasteland! .. with a constant real-time dynamic update event system to keep consumables up and ready on the map! you could even have power through out the city on server start (release date - dooms day) and pretty much have a fully running city .. rate of infection spread, slow power drainage, clean water supply diminishment.. you could even have some way for players to get power running again etc etc ... just have a fully functioning city infected with the dead. may of gone abit off topic there sorry :)
  12. not right in front of your face i hope!
  13. psstloaf

    Player activated environment sounds

    all they need is aoe sounds for everything that would be making a sound at that time. weather or not anyone is around to hear it. link that with the aoe of hearing and the player will hear that sound.. this should save on resources because it wouldn't be just random sounds that lead to nothing! .. how much aoe hearing and sound making overlaps is of course how loud that sound would be .. seems easy!.. in theory. :)
  14. psstloaf

    Player activated environment sounds

    if i tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it. does the tree still make a sound ? :D
  15. psstloaf

    Make Players Unique

    moving forward from condemned dayz, yes that would be cool!
  16. psstloaf

    Make Players Unique

    levelling could be hidden in only what you do and expanding on that. players have no need to get warning signs in the middle of there screen letting you know that you have just reached your next level. it just happens! and players would not even have to calibrate where there points are allocated it just happens again! a little the same of real life! from what you do alot of.... (run lots = run lots more) have it all hidden!
  17. psstloaf

    Player activated environment sounds

    no extra sounds at all apart from things that are really happening. no music, ambient crap just sounds that are happening which you would be able to hear at the time .. if the game cant give an atmos from just this then its almost not worth playing.
  18. i love to do this but it does put you at a disadvantage its not like you could just get everyones word!
  19. server start random locations, no loot respawn! - only players have fixed loot (guns etc) or random event system brings more consumable loot into the map (ammo and canned pop etc)
  20. psstloaf

    Progression System in DayZ Standalone

    i love some sort of growth system just like growing up in real life, but sorry this idea is just pants!
  21. psstloaf

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    goal posts are the wrong way round, typical aussies! :P
  22. psstloaf

    Choose body shape of avatar

    effort is the problem lol (laughs out loud).
  23. psstloaf

    Functional Glasses

    flash bangs and night vision ... ouch!