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About Baglady74

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  1. Baglady74

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    I don't think our world is ready for this.. Yet.
  2. Calling lone wolves out to participate in a group activity? Reminds me of Bill Hicks' bit about the 'People Who Hate People' group.
  3. Baglady74

    ZOMBIES : I Want more Zombies

    I can see it now: "DayZ banned in Germany due to graphic violence involving the murder of children..."
  4. Baglady74

    How to get the bandit skin

    I'm pretty sure that this isn't banditry. This is Darwinism. The guy you shot was an idiot for not responding, and you're an idiot for discharging a shotgun in the middle of what appears to be a relatively large city. It may not have killed you this time, but odds are that you won't survive long with such a severe lack of discretion. Also, he was harmless. Go north and kill some real players.
  5. Baglady74

    Internet Privacy and You

    Yeaaah. Pretty sure people would just get automobile suggestions.
  6. Not trying to flame here, but how does quoting one of your own posts nullify anything that I said? Also, when I said 'complete' game, I was well aware of the nature of the release. This game, much like minecraft, will be constantly updated to counter bugs, glitches, and to add new features (which will in turn add more bugs and glitches.) By 'complete' I meant that the game would actually be playable upon initial release. As sometimes the initial release of a game can reveal a game-breaking flaw that the developers overlooked due to insufficient testing.
  7. I would much rather wait until January, or hell, even February or March for a complete, fun, nearly bug-free game than to receive it now in unsatisfactory condition. Rocket only gets one chance to make a really good first impression. He should take his time.
  8. Random damage sounds legit. All things considered, the zombies could be of various sizes, conditions, and in various states of decay. Also, their attack is inconsistent by nature, they could barely scratch you, or they could tear your flesh open and rip half your arm off. It all depends on certain factors that would be too much of a hassle for too little gain to implement. Set damage for zombie attacks would be a little weird. Though, I suppose the same could be said of all melee attacks.
  9. Baglady74

    DayZ Stories

    I dug up a story I read on a message board back in August.