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About theb144

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  1. there that is a proper response thank you panda
  2. server has rediculous lag because of the amount of players they moved it up to and admins just laugh and say hey thats dayz for u well its not in any other servers including 60man ones
  3. any idea why the server is mad laggy all the time now panda like constant yellow and red chain
  4. aight appreciate it ill looik again tonight found some tents thats about it i luckily popped a dude right as night time hit and he had some nvg's so im set on that lol
  5. hey panda i had a question where are all the vehicles i searched all night went up and down side to side on the map didnt see a single car even nor a crash site
  6. its posted Name- Nitro Location- NC USA da2e96ff2c87cd53662967dfa1aad02c
  7. please add Name- Nitro Location- NC USA da2e96ff2c87cd53662967dfa1aad02c