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Everything posted by 101para

  1. 101para

    Simulating Morality?

    A touchy-CNN reporter, while interviewing a Marine sniper asked, "What do you feel when you shoot another human being ?" The Marine shrugged and replied, "Recoil." No anxiety there.
  2. Hi Guys We're going to be locking our server to test BEC controls in order to police the server in an [sR] Absence. The reason for the implementation is due to a number of abusive names and other issues cropping up on the server in the 3 days that we've been up. Also as we're all new to running a server of this scale and due to the popularity of the mod, we need the admins to fully understand how the commands will work in order to combat these issues. We intend to lock the server for 30-60mins, from 21.30 GMT and will be running a timer in order to keep to this. If there any objections from Dev's, please don't hesitate to let us know, but with a high population and nearly hitting server cap in 3 days, we would like to keep gaming smooth and enjoyable for all that use our server. On a final note, if you could refrain from any objections that aren't from the current Dev team, we would be grateful. Kind Regards Sabre Recon Team
  3. 101para

    [Sabre Recon] Server

    UPDATE:we've had to delay the testing by 30mins. We will be starting in full in 5mins
  4. Use the scroll wheel and the middle mouse button for the majority of object interactions, Right click on items such as axes in your inventory to interact with them in certain ways dude.
  5. +1 To this. I like the Idea ! :)
  6. Ye It would be nice if it was more random. When I first started playing back in May I was checking every building until I learnt that only certain builldings/tents had what I required. so now I only go for the military tents, Hospitals and other various high yield buildings.
  7. 101para

    [just an idea] Bandit penalization

    I'm sorry but no. I dont feel guilty or experience any sort of trauma when I kill someone. I wouldnt want to have a psychological problem forced upon me.