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Everything posted by guyver1

  1. guyver1

    Disadvantages To Carrying/Using AS50/M107

    Weight system = excellent idea. guns going into backpacks = only if the gun could actually fit in it in real life. I would go further than the weight system (or rather I would take the weight system 1 step further) Volume system. Your backpack has a 'volume' in cubic cm's Every item naturally has its own volume. Every item naturally has its own weight. It shouldn't be too difficult to add a volume, weight, length, width and height parameter to each object so that your backpack, inventory, weapon carrying ability is much more realistic and also then by proxy affect your walking and running speed, but also your 'stance' When I say 'stance' I mean this: person carrying no weight, standing up can stand perfectly upright in a vertical position. A person carrying 80kg in a backpack has to lean forward to correct for their center of gravity. This would also affect your crouched stance as well. This could be shown in game with weight directly affecting your player model and would allow you to determine how much another survivor is carrying. I would love to see an end to the current ridiculous inventory system and having instead, a more realistic weight/volume/size based system.
  2. The reason for this thread, in real life I'm left handed. Could we get a future inclusion of handedness in the standalone (not on release, but further down the line) This would have a direct affect on your lean stances when leaning out from the side of a building to fire your weapon. As a left-handed person, I would not require so much of my body to stick out from the side of a building if i wanted to fire out from the left. However, if i wanted to lean out from the right of a building I have to expose a lot more of my upper body as my left shoulder has to come way further out to get a similar firing line to the left side of the building. I'm not sure how this works in arma 2 at the moment as everyone is right handed and the degree of lean left and right i'm assuming is the same. It could potentially introduce a nice 'lift' in building to building movement if you exposed way more upper body if leaning out on your 'off' side. Like i said, just something that popped in my head this morning while thinking about that word 'authentic' Edit (additional) To avoid the 'weapon clipping through a wall' issue when your just not quite to the edge of the building enough (i play in fps) I remember a game (it may have been crysis), any time you walked close to something your player model would raise your weapon to a vertical position to indicate that it was to close to something. This would be a superb feature to add to the standalone to give you a better indication of your relationship between you and the objects around you.
  3. guyver1

    Standalone - handedness possibility

    Facebrass is going to go off the screen the majority of the time when you're in iron sights view?? Definitely low priority, but I want to be able to choose my handedness, not have it as some random spawn mechanic
  4. Sent you a pm with a really good 1st person only server
  5. It seems 'authentic' enough to me that once you run out of ammo for a weapon that you can swing it around, grab it by the barrel and use it as a melee weapon just like the hatchet. Conditions/caveats: 1. You cannot kill an opponent (either zombie or other survivor) with a melee rifle, only knock them out (maybe 20 seconds, open to suggestions there) to give you enough time to run away and get some distance. EDIT: Ideally you do not want the knockout timer to be too long, this would then require some thought on the players part. Eg. You dont knock a player out on the middle of a large field with no immediate cover or escape paths as they could simply recover, pull out a gun and shoot you. Additionally with zombies, a zombie you knock out with a melee rifle would increase dramatically its aggression towards you and not be so stupid as to lose you behind a bush. It would temporarily increase in sight and hearing abilities and be able to track you better and faster. Again this is to introduce at least 'some' fore-thought before you just go melee happy on everything in sight 2. the longer the gun, the longer the reach in your swing and the greater your AoE (but it can only strike 1 opponent during any one swing) 3. You would not be allowed to do this if you have any ammo for that weapon at all in either your inventory or backpack. Optional: 4. you can not use a primary rifle as a melee weapon if you still have ammo for your pistol. Its one of the things I find most 'out of place' for an 'anti-game' trying to be a simulation is that i cant batter zombies with my rifle if i run out of ammo. (Yes I realise I can drop the rifle and use the hatchet, but thats not very realistic, in real life I would just sling my rifle, and use the hatchet, but the game doesnt allow that, plus i do not want to drop the rifle, as i still want to keep it and find more ammo for it)
  6. Beginning to agree with this side of the argument actually about using the butt of the weapon rather than a full out golf swing. Like the idea of only getting a knockout cold count if you score a direct headshot (possibly from directly behind only?)
  7. I personally would like to see a server 'limit' on weapons. For example, Only 2-3 sniper rifles at any one time. If 3 active player accounts on a server find the 3 sniper rifles in the map, then no more sniper rifles will spawn. The only way for other players to get a sniper rifle is to either kill a player who already has one and take if from him, or if the player dies and his body and gear dissapears, then a new sniper rifle will spawn somewhere to take its place waiting to be discovered. This would put a cap on certain weapons (much like helicopters etc) and it would hopefully make a sniper think twice about his actions due to the knowledge that if you lose it, it will be very difficult to get another one.
  8. I doubt it would be hard to code in server side functions for this. You could basically have 2 settings: Normal Hardore You 'could' even tie in the 3rd person view, tracers, nametags, etc to the normal setting and turn everything off in the hardcore mode. Again, as its a serverside option, server admins are still part of the hive, you still play on the same map, with the exact same environment, just that loot tables and player assists are 'normal' or 'difficult' depending on which server you join.
  9. Some interesting thoughts and replies in my reddit on this - http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/177fsa/standalone_suggestion_guns_as_melee_weapons_when/
  10. This suggestion would all be moot and pointless if you could simply sling your primary weapon over your shoulder and use the hatchet as a 'tertiary' weapon. Its VERY annoying that the hatchet is classed as a primary weapon and as toolbelt utility. If it actually was a 'weapon' then you could simply treat it as a backpack item and swap them between your backpack as you can do now with 2 primary weapons.
  11. edited first post and added some additional comments
  12. guyver1

    Squad/party and spawn suggestion!

    Might be worth editing your opening post to reflect that as you may get some more positive responses and you can better refine what you're trying to say :)
  13. guyver1

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. DayZ is not Arma][ How good you are is not relevant at all in deciding how a game 'develops' during its development stage
  14. guyver1

    Squad/party and spawn suggestion!

    I think the only 'authentic' solution is that you group up in a pre-game 'lobby' and then you spawn at the same location (the exact spawn location is random, not chosen by the group) on the coast as if you have come ashore from the same boat anchored off the coast. This doesn't affect in-game 'realism' or 'authenticity' as there is nothing to suggest that survivors could not land at chernarus coastline together in a small boat. But as for in game icons above heads, markers on maps.. no, absolutely not. Teamspeak/mumble/skype are enough to co-ordinate with your friends imho.
  15. guyver1


    All hail the anti-game!!!
  16. There is nothing more unrealistic than having a gun removed from your backpack and being shot with it because there is nothing in the game/engine that stops anyone from accessing your entire backpack as long as their within range of it to get the option in their menu. Surely this goes totally against the grain of Rockets 'authentic' experience...... Its simply not plausible that someone can remove a large assault rifle from your person without you feeling something! Suggestion: Lock backpacks down to the player carrying the backpack. Result: No more ridiculous thefts. Gameplay thoughts: 1. Rob someone: The person you rob either has to drop their items on the floor, or there needs to be an option whereby the backpack carrier can allow access to their backpack to a specific player. This means you physically have to have a standoff with another player. If you can have the ability to group up in Standalone then you can tick an option whether to allow your group automatic access to your backpack by default, meaning grouped players can happily access each others backpacks. 2. If a player dies then their backpack automatically opens up to everyone as lootable. 3. If a player is unconscious then their backpack becomes lootable to everyone for the duration of the passed out timer.
  17. guyver1

    Standalone - backpack access

    This I like. The animation is a must tbh, you cant just access a backpack without some form of player animation
  18. guyver1

    Standalone - backpack access

    If your going to keep the bag unlocked then a pickpocket can only take items that are one slot in size like a can of beans, a magazine, blood bag etc. There is no way in hell that you can pick pocket a bloody rifle!!!
  19. guyver1

    Standalone - backpack access

    that right there just proves my entire point. How is it 'realistic' to just have a 'sound'?? A guy is there right in front of you and is able to take a HUGE sniper rifle from you without you being in the least bit aware of it until he tries to actually pull the trigger and your ok with that?? That game mechanic is shit, plain and simple. utter shit.
  20. I would do a happy dance and carry on playing as normal. In first person.
  21. guyver1

    Standalone - backpack access

    Well done for not providing a suitable answer to the orginal reply that you quoted me replying to and then strawmanning. I've never been robbed when sniping (mainly because I've only ever had 1 sniper rifle in all the time I've played) There are plenty of youtube videos out there showing backpack abuse in passing and it generally happens during face to face player interaction where random players come across each other and theres some kind of interaction either friendly or not and as soon as the players come within the correct distance, the one player will simply go straight for the Open Backpack command rather than interact with the other player when their 'face to face'! Hell, I've even seen a video where a player gets shot and goes down bleeding with a broken bone and the shooting player comes over to finish him off and then check him for loot and the grounded player simply waits until the shooter is in distance, clicks on Open Backpack, takes a gun and shoots the shooter dead. (genius on one level, but totally taking advantage of a broken system on the other hand) The problem is, there's no sound, there's no player animation, there's NOTHING to indicate that another player who's standing right in front of you is accessing your backpack... Sorry, but thats just not what I consider 'authentic'
  22. guyver1

    Standalone - backpack access

    You're going to 'seriously' compare stealing a wallet from a 'sports shop' backpack, usually in a very busy urban environment where the noise of hundreds of people drown out the quiet russle of someone deftly opening a zip or clickloc to stealing an assault rifle, from a military grade backpack from someone lying down in the middle of a quiet forest with no-one else around........ I mean, seriously, did you even think before you typed that? Or have you not experienced real life in any way shape or form!?!?!?