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About Greener

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  1. I had this problem and found a really easy fix. Go into documents, ARMA II other profiles, your player profile is in there. Copy it, then remove it from the file, open ARMA II and it re creates the profil when it opens. Worked for me. Hope this helps you. You may have to recreate your player's looks though.
  2. Can i be whitelisted please. In game name: LMB GUID:05beca9eb837babeac9e5bdf72a20a7c
  3. give me your skype name and i'll add you. ill play with you tommorow as i have had enough of playing dayZ atm
  4. Well, my clan mate got some new combat flying pedals and i quote "Test runs are for noobs" and then he crashed it into a hill. hahahahahaha. Then my freind came on and accidentally pressed eject instead of auto hover and BOOM! down she went ans we are now back to square one :) atleast i have the V3S and yes i have skype
  5. My dear friend Singe, I seem to be stuck in an awkward situation here, my clanmate does not like you but i do. We have lost the helicopters and my clan mate has discontinued playing the server i think (rage quit ;) I would be more than happy to help you fix one of da choppas :) your choice
  6. I spawned back in kozlovka alive? i had all the gear from when we refueled the chopper in kozlovka, but that was about 40 mins previous to when the issue occured and we didnt crash the heli there. I found the heli as a wreck in kozlovka. Really confused?
  7. only 50.cal rounds can take it down i think. Can you maybe pick me up tommorow and take me to an airfield, i need a decent weapon :P but dont worry if your busy, its cool.
  8. yeah searched bloody ages for some camo clothing on uk 505 but atleast i can play now :)
  9. yeah but its not very responsive, the little bird is so mobile and responsive
  10. I know what has been meessing it up, i spawned as a bandit on a linked server, didnt know that was possible but hey. Just have to get killed and should be good :)
  11. i died on another server, i was glitched i couldnt wake up and then i got sniped on the airfield, sorry for delaying you. if you have the fuel i could do with a pickup when the script thing is sorted but dont worry if its any trouble
  12. and singe thanks for the ride it was fun taking those guys out for you, but i died