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About adinqwe

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  1. adinqwe


    i suppose that is seems like a good idea
  2. adinqwe


    Look what i posted just then it was to see what you guys would say to the idea.
  3. adinqwe


    Ok maybe not preset classes but what about like you get a book that is like a journal And it sorta explains like how you got there or another aaand is generated by what you choose as your backstory
  4. adinqwe


    It still appers yes is winning
  5. adinqwe


    I suppose.
  6. adinqwe


    Like i had said it is giving you the tools to create the backstory
  7. adinqwe


    Well it appers that Yes is winning
  8. adinqwe


    Wow the poll has been neck and neck
  9. adinqwe


    AP_Norris Yes exactly You customize your own backstory.
  10. adinqwe


    Yes you should have read more i go into more to more detail on my idea i just have a hard time on explaining it that is all.
  11. adinqwe


    Its not giving you a backstory it's giving you the tools to create that backstory.
  12. adinqwe


    I should also say it would explain like what your doing in chernarus you know like your a local mechanic or your a pilot that landed and got stranded there when the apocalypse happened.
  13. adinqwe


    Exactly. But to answer some of your qustions is having a role its just a title what it means is just what skills you will be good in and it would bring in other pepole who do videos and have storyline to their videos it would help make that in a way helpful to them.
  14. adinqwe


    Yes but there are other essential rolls all rolls are essential in some way there would be aircraft mechanic But in what your saying you don't need to have a pilot roll to be able to fly so everyone would be able to fly but if you read it would depend on how long it would take you to start it up and your skill on doing complex manuvers and that would be it.
  15. adinqwe


    but i do see all of your guys point But with this in the game it would help form comunitys and groups