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Everything posted by Reign19k

  1. Reign19k

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    Also, if you don't like our "attitudes" gtfo of the server. Rocket isn't losing any business. You will just take your toys to some other server and shit up that one as well with your ass bandages. For every cancerous, self-entitled whiner that disconnects there will be hundreds of new ones spamming connections justa' waitin' to get in and give us sosorude dayz players their contents. Grab your nutsack, take a deeeeeeeep breath and uh ... deal with it? It's a video game that simulates a fucking zombie apocalypse. If you can't handle it, log the fuck off and go do something else.
  2. Reign19k

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    So first it was Dregek that was abusive, now me? You do realize I'm not an admin right? I have no access to the RCON. I also don't use the mic for my capslock key is unbound as it is my TS3 bind. Keen observation there guy. I didn't bother reading the rest of your spurgle because I'm quite sure it is full of the same shit you've already posted. Just tied to a different person now. Please provide these logs where I ( a player on the server who is not an admin ) gave a verbal beat down to anyone on any server. Eitherway, you should probably have this thread closed because it is not a case of an admin abusing anything. It is a case of a player being mean in dayz....
  3. Reign19k

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    Let me get that for you ...
  4. Reign19k

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    Thank you for your valuable contribution to this worthless thread. Are you a special snowflake too? Or do you take the condescending route when you feel like your opinion on this matter will be otherwise overlooked? Find another server, there's plenty of them "running" atm.
  5. Pretty fucking sure in a real situation like this the OTHER SURVIVORS would be more of a threat than some blind shambling dudes that can run through walls but not doors.
  6. Reign19k

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    Fallout is in his group snowflake ... Server resets were addressed already. Server running like shit isn't the "admin's" problem, it's the hosting and the massive amount of attention this game has gained Arma... You are showing no concrete proof of anything else you have "heard or seen personally". The server was locked a few times with just him in it to force it past briefing because everytime he had to restart players would just cockslam the server again trying to get back in. The server was also locked and set to the ARMORY in which he asked about 7 people to join it and blow the shit out of cherno to see if it was the server running like crap or dayz running like crap. Low and behold, there is nothing wrong with Arma. It's the massive amount of dudes that can't read the forums and connection spam / do shit that further harms the gameplay for the players and the server. IE singing/playing music in fucking global channel. I appreciate your massive amount of research and attention to detail before you decided to post this garbage on the forums. Here are some things to try in the future ... When seeing the locked server ... actually fucking check to see if it's running dayz mod or even states it in the freaking title. Also, when making pretty big claims of abuse ... please post more evidence to back it up besides a screen shot of him banning a dude who just launched an m136 over his groups head and knocking them all out in a clearing... /endwhiteknight No seriously ... admins pay money so they can support a game that you play for free. The game is in alpha, you are entitled to nothing. Stop being a special little snowflake and go find another server to smear. Please see that all your loot and vehicles find their way to my camp at your earliest convenience.
  7. Reign19k

    Two primarys or one?

    2 primaries Food and medical supplies are on site procurement ... off dead bodies for example.
  8. Reign19k

    When do you decide Friendly or Bandit?

    NOTSSI. ( not to be confused with the political party ) Not on teamspeak shoot instantly. Such is life in the zone.
  9. Reign19k

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    "hard earned work" This is alpha. 1) You've probably already lost your shit by the time I've posted this if you've been playing and playing legit. If not, you probably will by the time this thread gets buried in other shitty troll threads. 2) You're going to lose your shit due to bugs, glitches, exploits, being a dumbshit many more times before Dayz turns stand alone... Do your job as an alpha tester and report the stuff I just mentioned in more constructive ways instead of making shit whine threads. Christ ... I liked this game more before this mod put Arma on the map ... Judging by the first page in general discussion I'm not sure who has more IQ ... the mindless mainstream gamer or the fucking zeds?
  10. Reign19k

    Devz, get your shit together.

    0/10 oh wait, i'm posting .... shit
  11. Reign19k

    Trading Post, volunteers required

    About time someone learned to play in the sandbox. Hope to see more shit like this popping up on different servers. Would like to add some tidbits though ( I'm sure you have already thought of this ): 1) Be aware of server hopping ... server hoppers can send a legit "trader" as a scout and organize a log in attack on your security. This treads on expoliting,but it can probably be called meta-gaming just as easy. 2) Don't have set values on things. Let the value of items shift due to supply and demand. Be aware that it is possible to dupe items as of now. This is a great idea. With player driven content like this, it gives the devs more ideas to implement MECHANICS that are conducive to players creating content for this godamn game.
  12. I don't run around killing everyone I see because it's an idiotic thing to do if you are actually playing the game to do anything more than: Get weapon > kill players > die > repeat. Eventually that playstyle will die out as players either realize that there are better games where that doesn't take as much time and effort to accomplish, or they get bored with it and try a different approach. In my personal opinion anyone who chooses either extreme will not last long in this game. The only difference is that the extremist that avoids pvp will be even more displeased by the loss of all the "time and effort". Circumstance should dictate your ROE in a world like this I think. If helping you at that time would help me survive in return, that's the most logical choice. If your presence puts my survival at risk then I will either remove myself from that situation or remove you... It's all dependent on how you enjoy playing the game in the end.
  13. The shoot man with gun crowd will likely leave well before people seeking a more broad gaming experience. There are a shit ton better games out there that provide that kind of experience. Let the new car smell wear out before you judge the "state of the community"
  14. My point mostly was to point out that it's a sandbox. People are free to play anyway they want. I don't want there to be some system in place to punish or encourage any certain playstyle. The more playstyles that are welcome, the more versatile the experience will be. It's up to us as the players in the sandbox to adapt to those. If I know there are murderous people out there I will adjust my plan accordingly. The way that I feel personally, if I stand to gain anything from a temporary or permanent agreement with another player, I'll be happy to not shoot them. If shooting them and taking their stuff is more conducive to my situation, I'll just do that instead. As of now, there are no "vigilante" groups of people out to safeguard the coast or any settlement (which is totally dependent on the players to create one). It's up to us as the players to create the content and the developer to provide the resources.
  15. Live by the sword and die by the sword. Your delicious beans will soon belong to someone else. Personally, I could give a fuck less. Half of the fun in this game is the acquisition of currency. Regardless of how I come across it. People decide to buy a nice car so they can acquire some pussy. They continue to buy nicer cars so they can continue to acquire MORE pussy.
  16. Something tells me that most people that play in "sandboxes" have no fucking clue how to operate in one. "Anti" players operate using the same fucking mechanics that "carebears" do. If you don't like it, surround yourself with other like minded players and do something about them. Stop trying to get the developer to intervene because you can't operate in a sandbox. Murderous players also die when you shoot them in the fucking head.
  17. Reign19k

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Keep it up Rocket, great work on the mod.
  18. Reign19k

    Just sniped some carebear.

    Seems that all these other fine gentlemen in this thread have already pointed out all of the irony in this terrible thread. You sir, are either a shit troll or just a stupid faggot. Eitherway, go fuck yourself.