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Everything posted by FieldMedic

  1. FieldMedic

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Take them out until you can make barbed wire removable without a toolbox, albeit slowly. The toolbox would speed up the removal process.
  2. So after hiking through the lovely woods and country side for 10 days alone, I've decided it would be nice to try and link up with some people. I'm well stocked with medical supplies and don't mind tackling the grunt work until someone requires medical assistance. I also don't care much about having the best guns or NVGs or whatever else people might argue over :P I'm off work today (June 11, 2012) so I'm free all day but my usual play time is: M-F: 6:00PM - 1:00AM Sat-Sun: All day! Times are in Eastern Standard (EST). Send me a PM if interested with the pertinent information and I'll look you up! I'm presently in the Berezino area but will make tracks to your desired location.
  3. FieldMedic

    Dear crybaby's (hacking qq)

    http://dayzmod.com/f...heat-reporting/ https://support.dayz...ubmitticket.php The point is to productively make the devs aware of what has happened to you, without ranting and raving about it, crying to anyone who will listen about how the hackers will be the death of this mod and that Rocket doesn't care or he'd fix ALL the problems!
  4. FieldMedic

    Dear crybaby's (hacking qq)

    One can quite easily report hacking without crying about it on the forums. All the public whining does (whether it be in game, on the forums, on a blog, on youtube etc.) is provide those hackers who want to garner a reaction fruits for their labour.
  5. FieldMedic

    AK-74 or M16A2

    I would take the M16 over the AK-74 but yeah I'd take the AKM over both of those. :)
  6. FieldMedic

    Dear crybaby's (hacking qq)

    Hacking posts just provide the tears that fuel even more hacking. Most of these script kiddies get their jollies ruining the game for others because they don't have the skills to play the game properly. If they can't get the reaction so desperately craved then they'll get bored and move on to whatever else the bottom feeders of humanity do in their spare time.
  7. FieldMedic

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Threads like these make a strong case for professionally run servers moderated by impartial GMs who aren't allowed to play on the servers they oversee and only monitor for hacking or exploiting.
  8. Just a random thought but if you lacked a pistol could it be made so that your melee weapon could sit in the pistol place? This would be on top of allowing it in the primary slot.
  9. FieldMedic

    Melee weapons in the pistol slot.

    Maybe make the hunting knife a pistol slot weapon.
  10. The premise is that a character would be bound to the server you started it on. Change servers and you would start a new character on the server you switched to. Your other character would still exist on the previous server and you could go back to it at any time. This has a number of advantages, namely, removing server hopping, allowing for the safer deployment of camps and bases, the formation of a server 'community' and the reduction (in conjunction with a logout timer) of combat disconnecting. There are, of course, obvious disadvantages to this. You wouldn't be able to move your established character between servers to play with friends, or if your main server is down or having trouble. The medic people wouldn't be able to jump around helping assist people since their character would be tied to a single server. Since the servers are run by the individuals and not BiS there's nothing to prevent a server from shutting down permanently, taking your character with it. The one big counter point to these disadvantages is that re-establishing yourself (collecting gear, moving off the coast etc.) doesn't take very long in comparison to other progression games and so moving to a new server wouldn't necessarily set you back weeks or months of work like it would in a traditional MMO.
  11. FieldMedic

    Character bound to server?

    Going to give this one more go at the first page before it slides into obscurity!
  12. I sympathize but a cursory glance at the forums would have told you how much player killing exists in the game. Quite frankly you learn to deal with the zombies fairly quickly, as they are, by and large bugs notwithstanding, predictable. What gives the game tension and excitement is other players and the possibility of them being hostile.
  13. Good people of the wasteland! Which would you carry around?!
  14. FieldMedic

    M16 Iron Sights or M4 CCO?

    It was just a stock M16 with Irons, no attachments and the M4 CCO was the basic black/gun metal, no cammy. Incidently I stuck with the M4 CCO. I figured the only advantage the M16 would have over it would be longer range accuracy and perhaps a little added stopping power. The M4 had the red dot sight, full auto setting and was quieter.
  15. FieldMedic

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I've heard about these things....these things that let ordinary people see...IN THE DARK! You apparently wear them on your face but...but I've never seen them...
  16. OP sounds like a Walmart commercial.....
  17. FieldMedic

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Ok I tried the new patch tonight and here's what I found: When I could get into a game things were amazing until I got disconnected. However....the next server I joined had reset the hour or so I played on the first server. No big deal I hadn't really gotten much. Anyway after I got disconnected from the second server I haven't been able to log into any of the other servers I've tried. But like I said, when the game was running, it was running great. I didn't lose any gear to the patch.
  18. FieldMedic

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I thought patch 94444 was wonky? o_O I remember having to roll back to the previous version.
  19. FieldMedic

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can't speak for all the medical personnel but you're unlikely to receive help in Cherno. Some will brave it if they have fire support or are feeling especially generous (ballsy) but for most it's too dangerous. The medic would just likely end up a second casualty trying get in there.
  20. Ok then. Did he say anything about server hopping ? One would have to ask him. I don't think Rocket has ever publicly stated his opinion on the matter.
  21. While I like the idea in principle, there are a lot of honest people who have obtained their gear fairly who would be unjustly punished for the actions of others. Those who cheat will lose their gear eventually and when measures are put in place to prevent exploiting those individuals will be forced to regain their stuff the hard way like everyone else. And given that they have to D/C to avoid death I don't expect them to last long once there's a 2 minute log out timer or, even better, are prevented from logging out at all because they're in a combat state.
  22. "Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit." - Rocket
  23. FieldMedic

    [Recruiting] The Brigade

    Do you guys use TS/Vent/Mumble etc, and what times of the day are you usually playing? :)