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About rnwes

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. rnwes

    Dayz Youtube Commentators?

    Shosho10199 is funny to watch http://www.youtube.com/user/shosho10199/videos He has around 20 episodes of DayZ as well as a Bandit school series.
  2. Great server performance and a great vanilla experience, get yourselves whitelisted.
  3. rnwes

    Good DayZ Vanilla servers?

    When the server gets updated to the latest build then the M107 problem you have won't be a problem. As for people walking up north just to find tents, you are surely not naive enough to believe that only happens on Brains of Britain? If that is so game breaking for you then good luck in your search for another vanilla server. :thumbsup:
  4. rnwes

    Good DayZ Vanilla servers?

    I play on Brains of Britain UK#2 Vanilla server, it gets very populated and has active admins. You need to get whitelisted beforehand though. Server IP : Website link for whitelist : http://www.brainsofbritain.co.uk/ just to clarify, this server has zero custom content, zero extra vehicle spawns, zero extra anything. Enjoy!
  5. Bump for this well policed and enjoyable server. BB is a great community and never had a problem playing here.
  6. rnwes

    Buying a new graphics card

    It's for many reasons really. 1) I have the money available to spare at the moment. 2) I do plan on rendering HD videos. 3) I won't be able to upgrade again for a considerable time so I'll get the best I can with my current budget. Were it not for these reasons then I'd certainly go with the i5-3570k.
  7. rnwes

    Buying a new graphics card

    I'd agree with this as I recently upgraded to a XFX DD 7950 from a 5770. For £200 I got a very minor performance increase at 1080p but in all other games I play the improvement was vast. When I upgrade the CPU to an i7-3770k I expect a significant peromance improvement for the £400 I'll spend on it (New mobo too).
  8. Name: Ron Scabb Location: United Kingdom GUID: c7c365ed453fbc3c7be65adab7a75fb3 Looks like a good server to be playing on.