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About smith93

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cornwall, England
  1. oh everyone ignore the hash as its just UK10 classic :) sorry about the confusion
  2. hey guys, thanks il have a look soon. mean while, everyone taking part in tonights game, we will be on Uk(hash10) server I dont have a hash key on my mac :( you will see my name : "che" the list of players so feel free to join :) Il be on tonight, and tomorrow thanks all :)
  3. Everyone will added on skype tomorrow. news on the time of our game will be from 9 or10 pm till we all die and burn :)
  4. Hey All, Sorry I havnt gotten back to everyone, Basically Im happy with everyone who as applied, so thanks. Im thinking of maybe playing a Game this saturday night or sunday to get everyone to meet and have each others contact info. If everyone can post on here or pm me there skype I will talk to you all and give you all the information needed. Lately Ive been on a Uk(hash)10 server which is pretty good so the chance is well be on there, unless there are anymore disasters like there was tonight, oh my what an experience that was :l haha.
  5. - Name: Che - Location: England - GUID : 2aba1a90afb984ac295d830f78433cea - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I wish to play on on the sever, as ive been told it a nice communitiy of players to join and hack free which is something Ive been looking for as ive slowly been loosing intrest in the game, so Ive started to get a team of players together and one of my team mates told me about this sever and I feel its the best place me and my team to be. 100% now :) i hope sorry about that, I think on the first one there was a unessesary b >>
  6. - Name: Che - Location: England - GUID : 2a8ba1a90afb984c295d830f7f8433cea - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: I wish to play on on the sever, as ive been told it a nice communitiy of players to join and hack free which is something Ive been looking for as ive slowly been loosing intrest in the game, so Ive started to get a team of players together and one of my team mates told me about this sever and I feel its the best place me and my team to be.
  7. Will do :) I sent a request to your skype :) Im playing now well If I dont get raped again haha
  8. Thanks mate, Indeed it does Jack, I'll happily accept you! I'm pm you later to swap contact info and bits.
  9. Basically im fed up of trecking over various maps on my own, being shot at for no reason and being hunted like a fox. Im hoping to start a small friendly team, which you could play any role you like recon,medic, assualt (if things get nasty) ect, help other bambi's kill bandits take adventures what ever we like. I say England only because as I lead a busy life at the moment I need to able to sleep at some point in the night. I've looked into teamspeak and was unable to download it so I will keep an eye out for when it will let me and i'll upgrade to that, so at the current time I use skype. If intrested in joing the team and are a mature player please copy and fill this short application out: Name : Age: Are you in the uk: Role in the game: skype name: Experience on Dayz: What can you bring to the team: NOTE THE FIRST FOUR PLAYERS TO JOIN WILL HAVE A HIGH CHANCE IN JOINING THE TEAM. I WILL TRY TO LET PEOPLE KNOW AROUND 5-6PM IN THE COMING DAYS. THANK YOU.
  10. Name: Che Age: 19 TeamSpeak Name: I dont have teamspeak yet, but I use Skype Mic?: yes Why do you want to join?: Id like to joing because im finding it hard to enjoy the game on my own, Id really like to be able to team up and help team mates and enjoy the game Experience in game: 3 weeks Timezone: Greenwich Mean Time UTC+0 (other words England) Bio: Im a lone player looking for a team to enjoy adventures with and helping each other, my playing role is recon or scout, Im pretty good at being stealthy, tactical and effiecent with medical supplies and ammo. In game Name: Che
  11. Current in game name: Che Location: Cornwall, England Age: 19 How long have you played DayZ: Few days Preferred voicechat software(s): Skype Preferred Position/Role: Recon/Sniper/Tactical Advisor (bit of planner with a military boot, what kind of situation are we in? could be out flanked by a group of bandits? ect) Reason for wanting to join this group: I would like join, and learn some more ropes, help others overall act as a team, I've played a few games and always get killed for nothing, no one tends to help when I ask for some help so going around solo isnt very nice for me and Id like to meet some fellow players and go on an adventure saving someone, helping someone, helping each other. Can you bring anything unique to this group: I can be good under fire and direct a way out or come up with a plan to nutralize a treat, I have a good bearing of places on the map, so if we are mapless its not a problem. I'm also a skilled shot so if i have a sniper I can cover a infiltration, Scout out area's and I'm sure I can bring a few laughs and stories along Weaknesses: because im student I tend be studying most days, but thursday to sunday im free and occasionally every night, I have skype but it means I have to run my mac along side my pc I currently dont have a head set with my pc. Other: pm if you want to know anymore or for contact info. thanks
  12. ah, cool thanks. Yeah I'm thinking client too. I did managed to have a bash the day after I posted it but I was only able to play on a scottish server. not that I survied longer than 10mins :L. but I will keep an eye out next time I go on and pay more attention.
  13. smith93

    Any new players that need help out there?

    I am pretty much a noob, Im intrested :) I'll add you when Im near my pc and we can arrange a game or something