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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. You can check out our forum and see if it interest you. There is alot of information about the server. http://huntersden.forumotion.com We have most of the things you are requesting. We do a normal day/night cycle (we currently have full moons at nighttime), server is set to Veteran, no nameplates, no crazy vehicle count, etc. 100 percent hacker free, only 1 admin (myself) and I never play ingame. Its very simple to get the password for the server, just goto our forum and you will see the information on acquiring the password. We have just registered our 200th member, people from all over call this place home. You can see the player data on bottom left part of our forum's homepage (it will show you the peak times people play) All types of players and playstyles.
  2. skeeter


    I'll be online alot tonight, so if you apply.......expect your password almost instantly http://huntersden.forumotion.com :)
  3. skeeter

    [Standalone Suggestion] Bases

    I like all the different aspects of your idea. You did a good job of putting this all together. Very cool, thanks for sharing this. :)
  4. skeeter


    No hackers, laid back community, plenty of new content. Recently registered our 200th member. Visit our forum and you can see for yourself if you would enjoy this server/community. EVERYONE is welcome here, all people are treated equal. All members have a voice, everyone gets a chance to comment on server changes. Forum discussions have proved to be the best route in solving important issues. Obtaining the password is very simple (quick,painless, etc) just goto our forum for more info http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  5. skeeter


    so far it seems fixed. come join us at http://huntersden.forumotion.com its quick/painless to get the password for the dayz server :)
  6. skeeter

    Some people just shouldn't be bandits...

    I think you are taking the whole thing too serious. Maybe I'm missing something, but I watched the video.......laughed.....and then moved on. I'm neither hardcore bandit or hero. I just play and enjoy the game. Hopefully if I ever take it too serious someone will pry me from the computer chair with a dirt shovel. :) (i did watch the video on mute, so maybe I missed something. Just not sure why everyone is so pissed off)
  7. skeeter


    So it looks like I get a day off from work. SNOW DAY!!! I'll be online alot today, so anyone who would like to join our password protected community, just goto our forum. You can set up a forum account instantly (does not require email verification, its made to be quick/painless) I will be able to approve you, and add you to VIP on the forum. Once you are VIP, you'll be able to see the current password being used. come ck us out, community has grown to over 190 members. I'm always happy to welcome a new member :) http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  8. skeeter

    Some people just shouldn't be bandits...

    i wish at the end we could of heard the bandit say "nailed it"
  9. skeeter

    Bandit Challenge

  10. skeeter


    busy night bump
  11. skeeter


    busy night, its getting interesting. never too late to join our hacker-free dayz community ck out the forum and see if your interested http://huntersden.forumotion.com I'll be online all night, so you can grab the password instantly :)
  12. skeeter


    I'm glad you are enjoying the place TASB. thanks man
  13. skeeter


    never too late to join our community all players and playstyles are welcome here http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  14. The players on my server love the biplane. I dont have many creative places for spawnpoints. They only need to check the airfields. But its deff. a highlight for some people to stubble upon this little treasure. It seems to be used for joyrides and scouting. Its gets "disposed" of when the fun is over (usually ejecting after aiming it at someone or something) :P
  15. skeeter

    Bandit Challenge

    Do you mind if I quote this post on my forum? I'm sure the players on my server would appreciate this challenge
  16. skeeter

    DayZ Bug List

    1. humanity change = teleport to ocean (seems to happen if you turn into bandit, hero, etc.) 2. Auto Duping Tents........tents that always have same gear after restarting (this has been happening for last 3 versions) Both of these problems are occurring on severs with unmodded mission.pbo and server.pbo , and also on modified servers. Its a problem on just about every private hive I've encountered (that hasn't tried to fix the issues themselves) thanks
  17. I've been wondering the exact same thing. Its a HUGE problem right now. It seems to be happening on just about every private hive I'm in contact with. Its been going on for the last 3 updates. If anyone knows a serverside fix, I would be very grateful. Dont know how this problem can continued to be ignored. The problem does EXIST, and has for far too long. If you go back a couple of versions, this was not happening.
  18. skeeter


    :) thnx Mrdook http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  19. skeeter


    full moon nights are working even better now removed clouds, so now its a true full moon night come ck it out http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  20. skeeter

    Server with the most action?

    come join our password protected community every night there is plenty of action. its easy to apply for the password, the community is 100% hacker-free, 180+ members from around the world. check out our forum and see if your interested. http://huntersden.forumotion.com each night server has anywhere from 10-25 ppl going hog ass wild on something (or someone) On the forum's homepage we have a chart that shows the current player numbers from past week, it shows what times most of the members play. I'm the only admin, and I never play ingame. So you'll never have hackers, or abusive admins to worry about. :)
  21. skeeter


    still plenty of time to sign up for tonights event very easy to get the password and join our HACKER-FREE community :) http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  22. skeeter

    Helicopter fail.. (First time flying I'm guessing)

    thanks for sharing, this lightened up my evening. nothing funnier then the arma explosions. the sounds makes me LOL every time
  23. skeeter


    Saturday night 10:00 pm TEAM HELICOPTER BATTLES sign up and list team members at http://huntersden.forumotion.com Will be using MH-60 helis for the event (blackhawk) server does not use rmod, you need nothing special to play here......just sign up for the password :)
  24. skeeter


    come join this kick ass community of wild mf'ers easy to get the password, very simple instructions on the forum ck out the forum and see if your interested in what we got going on http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  25. skeeter


    3 new vehicles added will be very rare pictures here http://huntersden.forumotion.com/t358-check-this-shizzzzz-out