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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. skeeter

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    yea same here. seems any tents placed before the update dupe. havn;t got a chance to see if tents placed since the update have any problems. also some reports of players characters duping, and leaving a copy of their character. (related to the humanity, and how it tries to update the characters from hive I think. if you add in any desync it seems to cause some problems)
  2. skeeter


    Come check out our private community http://huntersden.forumotion.com/ everyone is welcome and has an equal voice in The Hunters Den :thumbsup:
  3. skeeter

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I hardly play at all anymore, I just manage a server. **from the reports of our players the main issue seems to be the lack of weaponholders (loot). players are putting in alot hours and coming up with hardly any loot. I noticed somewhere in this thread that the loot would not be changed. thats fine, but I thought you should know what our biggest complaints have been about. many people are getting discouraged after playing all evening and not having much to show for it. this game has many aspects, but you cannot deny that people enjoy hunting for loot/gear, w/e you want to call it. I did not realize had any problems with how loot was spawning, everyone seemed to like it. this is a drastic change from the other issues being discussed here are also important of course. just sharing what our community has been talking about the most. thnx
  4. hardly any loot has been our biggest problem and complaint from players
  5. skeeter


    http://huntersden.forumotion.com/ its easy to get the password. come join a private gaming community, everyone is welcome
  6. skeeter


    we are finally back online after a ddos took us down for 24 hours <_< come join the community http://huntersden.forumotion.com/
  7. skeeter

    How to make a server?

  8. skeeter


    another great video from a great community this one is very funny and entertaining before ppl say anything about the blue "debug" option in scroll menu....... it turns the debug monitor on and off. also, the random radios in people's inventory are from the custom skins people can get. some skins spawn with a radio (useless item)
  9. skeeter


    http://huntersden.forumotion.com/ its very easy to join this community everyone is welcome!
  10. skeeter


    thnx warpath. very happy you are enjoying it. :)
  11. skeeter


    come join the private server, and pick out your own custom skin more info @ http://huntersden.forumotion.com/
  12. skeeter

    Help with dayz commander

    seems like dayz commander is acting weird today their website is down atm, not sure what the issue is. edit: its working properly now, and website is back. so you can probably download/update your mods now :thumbsup:
  13. I agree with Lupa, reinstalling the mod and arma 2 version would be the best place to start. I've had a few people with exact same problem, and reinstalling everything fixed it for them.
  14. You can always check out our private community. We never claim to be the "best", or something we are not. Our forum is full of info about the server/community, check it out and decide for yourself ;) I'm the only admin, and I never play ingame. We have alot of members, some more active than others. People from all different timezones call The Hunters Den home. http://huntersden.forumotion.com/ just noticed you asked about scoreboards, here are screenshots of what is coming (not finished yet) http://imgur.com/9wUyUHg and http://imgur.com/DBpqiVb
  15. skeeter


    http://huntersden.forumotion.com/ come get signed up with a great private community
  16. skeeter


    :P http://huntersden.forumotion.com/
  17. skeeter


  18. skeeter

    No-KoS Servers?

    how exactly would admins be able to enforce a "no kos" rule? just interested how anyone would prove a report of being shot "on site" other than recording everything, or the admins sitting and watching each and every encounter.......which is unlikely . it sounds good to some, but i'm wondering how anyone could enforce such a rule?
  19. skeeter


    player video :D
  20. skeeter

    A speculation.

    I just wanna know who is rocking that scooter?
  21. skeeter


    http://huntersden.forumotion.com/ ;)
  22. skeeter


    This will be an eventful weekend. always plenty of action come ck out the community, and join @ http://huntersden.forumotion.com/
  23. skeeter


    long list of new skins added to the den. come check them out, and join our private community skins ----> http://huntersden.forumotion.com/t721-pick-your-skin-here