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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. skeeter


    Full server last night for the event (hunger games) Was alot of fun, took longer to set up than the airplane competition. But it was hilarious. Currently taking suggestions from community for event ideas. All players are welcome to come join us!! easy password application here http://huntersden.forumotion.com
  2. skeeter

    A Tragedy Has Befallen!

    Come give us a try......I think you would enjoy our server/community. People get good ping from all over the world. To help with hacking issues, we are now passworded. I have a very QUICK and EASY application. Go here to fill it out and get your password :) and to check out our forum/community http://huntersden.forumotion.com Everyone is welcome here. We don't go nuts with all the custom stuff. But we do have some pretty fun events every weekend for those who wish to participate. Hope to see ya!! server ip is in my sig. also can be found at the forum link i gave you
  3. skeeter


    event tonite 12:00 midnight (eastern stand. time) :)
  4. if a mod sees this, please delete the topic for me, not trying to spawn, and this is 2nd topic thanks :)
  5. **EDIT** nevermind, I was going to ask why I'm banned from the HI forum. But not worried about it.
  6. skeeter

    THE best server host?

    Thanks for the easy question, answer is dayz.st (awesome host)
  7. skeeter

    BanZ Union - Banned on one, banned on ALL

    I hope this works out.
  8. skeeter

    We need some assholes on US46

    lmao at the video. that is too much! *edit- had to watch once more before moving on
  9. I just would like to say how happy I am with dayz.st 's service. Nice control panel, painless setup, full database access and server runs very smooth. I have players from all over the world (hosted in US), and all seem to have very manageable ping. I recommend this hosting company to all. :)
  10. skeeter

    DayZ; Well that escalated quickly..

    enjoyed the video, nice work