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About DERjesus

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  1. DERjesus

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Dear god! Stand in a field for 5 minutes and expect to see 8-15 zombies wondering your way....
  2. Restriction 44 = line 46 if your using notepad++ always add +2 when investigating or editing restrictions.
  3. Likely the Admin did not replace the default scripts.txt - My battleye "fixed" itself when I last patched luckily I keep a current copy on hand.
  4. DERjesus

    Choppers Namalsk

    Found my problem, I had made some mistakes in my database so the vehicles were spawning from the wrong world table, thus in the ocean :)
  5. I am looking for an admin control panel that I can install and run on a second screen. I host on HFB servers, so it would need to configurable to work with them, and would also need instructions or help on how to set it up (This is my first server, im teaching myself everything as I go along). The features I would like to have available are the things I now do by tweaking the database - or sifting through the reports such as: Live map showing players, deployables and vehicle positions. Ideally with alerts to catch vehicle/box spawing and teleporting. Ability to easily spawn vehicles, i.e. a GUI on the above mentioned map, so I dont need to do math and find the DB coordinates. Ability to look into players inventory - to promptly ban that fresh spawn with a golden AK. I know how to do these things through my database, but after seeing the DayZ.ST Control panel I got jealous. Thanks!
  6. DERjesus

    Rebels United Clan

    Its nothing personal, we are in no way trying to flame or discredit your clan or your server, just making sure everything was stated up front. For the record I was never alerted to anything belonging to the admin and being off limits. We have had the same tactic used on us at our camp, we just resolved it in a diffrent way (with [in-game] Violence).
  7. DERjesus

    Rebels United Clan

    To say we understood the dynamics of this server is just wrong. I have played on several other servers that did have rules about camp raiding these rules were stated at log in with a MOTD directing users to a URL where the rules were plainly explained. I still play on that server, happily - beacuse I understand that the game that is played there. A few things: This is DayZ We searched for vehicles a lot, finding only a bicycle. Camp robbing has always been a part of DayZ, our own camps on other servers have been hit many many times. And we will find other places to play, there are millions of them - We just want your server rules to be lain out for new players so that other people don't get burned.
  8. DERjesus

    Rebels United Clan

    What is this other then seeking resolution.
  9. DERjesus

    Rebels United Clan

    I am the other person, the one who found your camp in fact. We understand its a private server, and you can set any rules you want. The issue is that we were never told that there were rules about what is ok to take and what is not. We assumed that we were playing DayZ - and as such played accordingly and scavenged for ourselves. You want to help your players, fine. We did not want your help - we wanted to play DayZ. As for what we took A black SUV and a Huey. I'm pretty sure that's what any group of two would have taken from your camp. And yes we only took what we needed to survive - which was high end guns and ammunition. Think about it, there are three from our group that play on your entire clans server. We assumed this very well stocked camp was part of your clan - we also realized we were taking very obvious vehicles, so we would likely be hunted. What we took was what just about any group would have taken. Also: I wanted to blow out the tires on your other vehicles to slow down pursuit, but Mongo talked me out of it - we don't want to be A-holes, just survivor jerks (as expected in DayZ). I urge Mongo to not delete his post, people need to understand your server has its own rules - You are allowed to do so, but at least warn new players by having them read a TOS. Also Find a better place for your camp. It was in the very first place I looked, and so freaking obvious.
  10. DERjesus

    Choppers Namalsk

    I am running Namalsk on an HFB server and running into the same problem, choppers just dont spawn. Can anyone point me to info on how to manually tweak the database? Like can how can I add a spawn point and adjust what vehicles can spawn there, etc. I am very new to this server admin stuff :)
  11. DERjesus

    Namalsk Night Time

    I run a small Namalsk server, I started it because my friends and I prefer to player vs (hard core) environment + zombies, and I was tired of hacker infested servers or places full of jerks. If your interested search for THAC0 on dayz commander, or use the more direct approach. : 2342 We play mostly after 20:30 pst
  12. Im sad this is a dead topic... Im a brand new admin and am trying to figure this out as well.
  13. Can anyone point me to a link, or give me a primer on setting up a custom, non official server? I have played on a few with custom buildings, camps, vehicles etc, and am interested on possibly setting up one of my own. I have no experience running DayZ or Arma on the server side, but have plenty of computer power to run it smoothly. Thanks!
  14. My friends and I are looking for a new server, there are 6 of us, with 3 being rather active.
  15. DERjesus

    Admin cheats?

    Well then.. Recommend some hacker free private hives?