Alright so, lets get down to the meat. I heard a few explosions down the road, decided to check it out. There were two men with ghili suits, one with a m4, the other with a auto m9 sd. I went up to them, and being the courteous fellow that I am, said, "Howdy", and "How are yall doing". They responded by saying they were fine, and asked me to play a game. Considering the circumstances (No gear, confronted by hackers, in the middle of a road east of electrode), I said sure! They said the game goes like this : There is a terrorist, and a victim. The Terrorist shoots the victim in the knee, and plants a bomb beside him. If the victim survived, he gets a prize (no one had survived yet) I think its pretty hilarious, tbh, so I go along with it. They plant a bomb on top of a small hill, and shoot me in the knee. I'm given thirty seconds to get away from the blast. I roll down the hill, and stay there. The bomb explodes, I survived, and my prize was anything that I wished for! I ended up getting a ghilli suit, a dmr, a few mags, a m9 SD, some food and water, as well as a coyote backpack. Pretty legit game as far as i'm concerned, haha.