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3 Neutral


About lightair10

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  1. Very nice server, Tons of scripts and mods added! No abusive admins so far. Great server.
  2. Hello. My name is jacob. Im advertising my server here to try and get more players as we've worked extremely hard on. We have Lift and Tow. Basebulidng. AI. Self Blood. Fast Rope. Custom Vehicles and Weapons. Custom Chopper crash loot. 450+ Vehicles. Small Playerbase. Friendly small server. Nice admins. And only the owner has access to the admin map and server controls. So no pesky admins spawning in gear and vehicles and then following you or tracking you down. If you would like to know anymore about our scripts and donations Please visit our forums all scripts will be explained along with donation procedure. FORUMS:http://z13.invisionf...dex.php?act=idx SERVER IP: port: 3153
  3. FORUMS:http://z13.invisionf...dex.php?act=idx SERVER IP: port: 3153 Hello. My name is jacob. Im advertising my server here to try and get more players as we've worked extremely hard on. We have Lift and Tow. Basebulidng. AI. Self Blood. Fast Rope. Custom Vehicles and Weapons. Custom Chopper crash loot. 450+ Vehicles. Small Playerbase. Friendly small server. Nice admins. And only the owner has access to the admin map and server controls. So no pesky admins spawning in gear and vehicles and then following you or tracking you down. If you would like to know anymore about our scripts and donations Please visit our forums all scripts will be explained along with donation procedure.
  4. Ezekiel I can't say I know this happened because I wasn't on when this incident happened. But i'd like to let you know that only one of the players you killed was an admin. He and his group of friends all said that you did kill them fair and square but they would be back. What proof do you have of an admin map? The admin you're referring to doesn't even have access to the Control Panel map. They admitted it was a fair kill. But we'd love to have you back if you're interested in joining after I let you know what actually happened. I can understand if you don't belive me and have no desire in coming back, Im just letting you know the truth. :) Thanks for the post! :beans: :thumbsup:
  5. Hey guys. new scripts are in. Server is currently down due to testing the strip vehicle script, but other than that, we have gotten the tow script working. Server should be up in the next hour.
  6. Come on in guys. We need new players. Giving free rides if you come in within 4 hours of this post!
  7. lightair10

    Looking for a clan.

    Okay guys thanks. Ill take a look at your guy's clans this weekend or sometime this week. Thank you
  8. Hi, my name is Jake. I have hosted a Taviana server and I have a few questions I was hoping you guys could answer. After searching and searching I wasn't able to find the answer to. How can i increase the view distance on my server? I know people are going to say it's impossible, but iv'e seen it at 5k on another server, Are there any scripts that add extra commands for admins? Like teleport or become invisible to watch players? Tips on getting a higher playerbase? Thanks for any respones to these questions. It would really help :).
  9. lightair10

    Looking for a clan.

    Hi, my name is Jake. Im looking for a DayZ clan. I want to join a mature clan, but have trouble finding one because most have an age limit. (Im only 15). I am just looking for a mature clan that is organized and skilled. Below I will list things/skills I have for a clan im joining. I have my own Taviana server. I have a mumble server. Im mature. I am a good sniper. ( Except for DMR, not good with it. ) I am a good pilot of air vehicles. (helis and planes.) I speak English. ( Yes, this is necessary as some don't. ) I have a mic. I have teamspeak and Skype. I play and work well with others in-game. I am patient. Iv'e been playing DayZ for awhile so I know everything about it. I can guesstimate range very well. Now sadly I have to list my weaknesses so potential recruiters know what they're getting themselves into. I am not good with close range combat. (But im not bad either,) I can only get on weekends and weeknights. (Late on weeknights I only have experience with Taviana, Chernarus,Utes, and Namalsk Some more random things about me. Not weaknesses or strengths. I am CST. I live in Chicago, Illinois. I am 15.
  10. Sorry for the inconvenience. I was testing scripts. Ill message you guys on steam next time I do.
  11. Thanks above. Just wanted to say we added a lift script to the server. This means you can lift cars with helicopters. You can also drive a car into the back of a C130J. We are currently working on being able to pick up containers with heli's and use them to make bases. We are also adding a harvest vehicles script which means you can take parts from other broken vehicles and add them to yours. One last thing, we are adding a tow script too. This means you will be able to tow cars with other cars. These scripts will be added tonight.
  12. Snowboarder, you're a typical spammer. I checked the logs and you've never even joined our server? How would you know how we run our server? Everyone who has joined our server has had 0 complaints about our admins. Most people actually say we have above average admins. Please quit posting on this thread. If you continue to do so, we will make your server unplayable if you catch my drift.
  13. Hi Diz, thanks for the response. Sorry about your experience We aren't having restart issues and we are spawning in more vehicles in tomorrow We have many vehicle hogs on the server who take a vehicle from down south and either crash it or lose it. We constantly have to manually spawn them in. The vehicle limit is at 200 but there are 270 on the server because I have to go and manually spawn them in. People are inconsiderate and don't think about the new players when they take vehicles to their base when they already have 20. Ill get this fixed soon. Thanks for telling me. If the server ever needs more vehicles let me know again. And about your loot problem, try going up to the north airfield. Ton of loot up there and 15+ barracks. -Jacob
  14. 1. Why are you advertising on my thread? 2. Way to many vehicles takes the fun out. 3. 2 can play at that game. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=reports&rcom=post&tid=119862&pid=1145667&st=
  15. Thanks to everyone who joined. you really helped make this server more fun. :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: