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About exon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Flashlight how it is already in toolbelt but must be in secondary (pistol) slot to be useable. Idea: Possible to make pistols go into toolbelt? Such as activate flashlight will then holster pistol to toolbelt? and vice versa to get pistol back to secondary? Feasable at all ? :)
  2. Looking to start a simplified bug list for the devs. Feel free to add guys! Date: 17-6-2012 Location: random / covers whole playable area Server: Multiple Bugs Encounterd: - Blood Resetting: Random chance when logging or switching servers etc that your blood will be reset to its last known damaged variable even though you have Ate or had a Blood Transfusion in last 5-10minutes of play. - Zombie Spawns : They spawn almost on-top and within 30m of player and when killing the buggers they virtualy instant respawn ontop of you angry as hell. - Zombie Spawns #2: Noticing an increased amount of zed's spawning inside buildings and remaining stationary inside them not sure if bug or intended. // Okay thats the major 3 i have noticed so far.
  3. Looking to start a simplified bug list for the devs. Feel free to add guys! Date: 17-6-2012 Location: random / covers whole playable area Server: Multiple Bugs Encounterd: - Blood Resetting: Random chance when logging or switching servers etc that your blood will be reset to its last known damaged variable even though you have Ate or had a Blood Transfusion in last 5-10minutes of play. - Zombie Spawns : They spawn almost on-top and within 30m of player and when killing the buggers they virtualy instant respawn ontop of you angry as hell. - Zombie Spawns #2: Noticing an increased amount of zed's spawning inside buildings and remaining stationary inside them not sure if bug or intended. // Okay thats the major 3 i have noticed so far.
  4. Looking to start a simplified bug list for the devs. Feel free to add guys! Date: 17-6-2012 Location: random / covers whole playable area Server: Multiple Bugs Encounterd: - Blood Resetting: Random chance when logging or switching servers etc that your blood will be reset to its last known damaged variable even though you have Ate or had a Blood Transfusion in last 5-10minutes of play. - Zombie Spawns : They spawn almost on-top and within 30m of player and when killing the buggers they virtualy instant respawn ontop of you angry as hell. - Zombie Spawns #2: Noticing an increased amount of zed's spawning inside buildings and remaining stationary inside them not sure if bug or intended. // Okay thats the major 3 i have noticed so far.
  5. exon

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    The man said it was today, stop your dam bitching. If it was delayed he would surley say so besides. All the new shit and fixes he has currently done and progresseviley kept us updated on. I'm quite confident he and his awesome team are doing play tests to ensure it is playable and not gonna be blowing up in our faces. So do everyone a darn favor shut up and let these guys work their magic. Want it quicker? learn to programm and offer to help the man otherwise chill the hell out, go outside play in the sun and come back later :cool: -Exo
  6. exon

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Hey Rocket got a good question regarding the Hatchet :D Since we can chop wood, will this result in removing choppiled wood spawns in markets and military places at least? bit odd seeing wood piles in those places xD Also in regards to the Female model selection now. It the body armour wearing version from PMC / British forces thats been adapted to DayZ ? Cheers for this awesome involving mod, me n mates love it to hell and back :) -Exo