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I am always Friendly

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About I am always Friendly

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  1. I am always Friendly

    DayZ: Teaching a beginner

    This answer comes a bit late but probably I wound have told him to stay low and wait covered till they had left the area, If they would have spotted us and said friendly, I would have probably told the ''newbie'' to back away and explain the situation to the high geared guys. If they would have understood and agreed to leave us alone then that's it, but if they get hostile Id tell my friend to open up from his cover. I would have most likely shot my last arrow to the either guys face then run the fuck away. LOL
  2. I am always Friendly

    Outhouses of Chernarus

  3. I am always Friendly

    Tips for a new DayZ Player?

    You could play with me, I teach newbies the tips and tricks of DayZ, and at the moment if I squeeze everyone to play there are maybe 6 of us, so If you are interested then add me on Steam: Markus-1997 PS: When I play with my friends I am mostly on servers with max 15 players. More realistic, a decent chance of bandits.
  4. I am always Friendly

    Tips for a new DayZ Player?

    Exactly, I personally played first on low-pop servers until I got the hang of everything, only then jumped on tot the bigger ones.
  5. I am always Friendly

    DayZ: Teaching a beginner

    So I just got an idea to start helping some beginners in DayZ and this is what happened: I spawned in Three Valleys, which is personally like as a spawn point, and waited for my new friend to appear. It took few times of killing himself and respawning before he spawned in the same place. He ran to me and we climbed up a hill away from the coast. We could still see the Three Valleys train station downhill a bit right of us. We got on top of the hill and checked the view. There was a wooden warehouse just ahead of us downhill, and it had maybe 3 to 4 zombies around it. We creeped down the hill and went prone across a small asphalt road. Suddenly we heard moaning, and a zombie walked from behind a fence straight towards us. I told my friend to retreat back to the sparse treeline at the bottom of the hill. He did so, and I slowly crawled to the grass where I would not make so much noise. It didn't help, the zombie still saw me, and made a hungry roar while rushing towards me. I stood up and ran inside the warehouse telling my friend to stand up and run as well. We got in the barn without injuries and turned around to see the zombie slowly walking in from the doorway. I spotted a Double-Barreled Shotgun at the corner, and told my friend to grab it. He ran there and took it as fast as he could. Then he turned around and took a shot at the incoming walker. I could see the blood bursting out from the 8 Pellet holes that the shotgun did to the zombie, and it fell to the ground heavily. After that we quickly took what we could and ran away before the rest of the zombies could understand what had happened. We went crouching to a large barn that had white walls and a red roof. One of the best loot spots there is. We went slowly in while trying to avoid the 8-10 zombies walking around it. We succeeded. I got a crossbow with 2 arrows from the floor, and my friend found 2 cans of soda. While we were busy looting a lone zombie walked in the barn and started climbing up the stairs to the hayloft where we were. I heard it's footsteps and turned around. I quickly aimed to it's chest, and shot and arrow strait through it's hearth. On it's body was a can of baked beans, which I put in my pocket before we left the barn. We jogged back to the wooden warehouse, and went south by a road next to a steep hill. The road went slightly uphill, and we could see the walkers wondering around in the valley. After a moment of running the road started to make sharp turns as it went more steeply uphill. We could see a small pond directly right to us and decided to go swimming. I showed him how he could go prone and then look around underwater, which we both thought was cool. After a moment of swimming I remembered there was a treestand nearby, and we started climbing up a hill next to the lake to get to it. When we got to it, there was not a single walker to be seen. It was a bad sign because that meant they were probably wondered off to the woods around us. We quickly crouch-ran to the treestand and I told my friend to climb up while I covered him. When he got up he told me there was MP5 in there. He dropped his Double-Barreled and picked the MP5 up. Then he climbed down and we continued on. The sun was starting to set when we ran by the road towards a village called Tulga. It was known to have a car-spawn in there, so with a bit of luck we could find a transportation. In the town was a horde of zombies, more than usually. We went prone between buildings looting whatever we could, hoping that the zombies couldn't spot us. I found 1 extra arrow from a shed while my friend got 2 more cans of food. After we had gotten out of the shed we heard a zombie moaning right next to us. We quickly tried to get prone but it was too late. It saw us and ran to me. My friend shot it from the run and it's body smashed to the ground right next to me. Unfortunately that shot was heard in the hole town and quickly we were attacked by dozens of walkers. My friend shot 2 of his magazines empty and I wasted my last arrow while escaping. We survived by running between trees long enough for the zombies to lose us, but my friend had lost a lot of blood. I bandaged him and we walked up to a small urban camping area before we logged out. That was one of the best adventures I'v had in DayZ so far. If interested check out my tribute to the DayZ map Chernarus:
  6. I am always Friendly

    Any new players that need help out there?

    If you are trying to find a server where people are mostly friendly, then you have millions to choose from. The problem is that they rarely have more than max 5 other people in them. After it goes higher than that it's slaughter-time. I train beginners mostly on low-populated servers because otherwise we couldn't get a mile of the coast. :I But DayZ is fun even if there are less people. I am going to make a story-topic about what you just might get when you team up with me...
  7. I am always Friendly

    Any new players that need help out there?

    That's okay, I mostly use Steam myself too. If I understood right you have a problem with avoiding ''roamers'' am I right? Try moving prone, that reduces your visibility gigantically, as well as the sound of your movement. If a zombie gets close and you think that he is gonna see you then DON'T PANIC AND RUN! Stay prone and don't move, you are almost invisible when laying down on the grass + roamers are as smart as a pile of rocks so you should be fine. :D
  8. I am always Friendly

    Any new players that need help out there?

    We all have 12000 ''health'' and every pistol except Revolver and M1911 take 900 damage. The Rev. and M1911 take 1400, so the best damage you made if you hit to the body was maybe half of his health. Try to hit the head next time, good luck! :)
  9. I am always Friendly

    Any new players that need help out there?

    Okay. :)
  10. I am always Friendly

    Any new players that need help out there?

    Lol, if you ever need a friend or a partner let me know! ;D
  11. I am always Friendly

    Any new players that need help out there?

    Now this is a mod, and it is complicated to download, but here is the easiest way: 1. Buy and download Arma 2 Combined Operations pack from Steam which gives you both Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. IMPORTANT= Before moving on start the games at the same time and wait till they are both in the main menu, then you can quit them both and continue. (This sounds weird but it creates few extra files that you will need for DayZ.) 2. Download ''Dayz Commander'' (Because it is the easiest to use.) And install both Arma 2 Beta patch and the DayZ mod from the right-hand corner options. 3. Profit AKA Play the game, unless you are someone who plays the game just to kill other players, then turn around and understand this is not CoD. It's a survival game. Hope this helped. :D
  12. I am always Friendly

    Any new players that need help out there?

    Now have you registered your Arma 2 on Steam? If you go to your games, does it show ''install'' instead of the normal ''play''? If so, just download it and you will be fine. But ill assume that you don't have it in your Steam collection and therefore do not ''own'' the game because you don't have the CD-Key. Why you need Arma 2 base-game is because DayZ uses the Chernarus map from Arma 2 and the Operation Arrowhead doesn't have it. You can survive without paying extra by doing this: Go to Arma 2's webpage and download Arma 2 Free. It is a semi-mod but has all the things needed for DayZ. Download it. Now assuming you have both Arma 2 Free and Operation Arrowhead installed, follow the steps on this page: http://kodabar.blogs...rma-2-free.html This is completely legal but a bit complicated. I personally run DayZ with Arma 2 Free and OA because I was short on money when I bought it, so I assure you it works just as well, and you can use all the installers the same way as when using base-Arma 2. So how is this possible? The part 4. in the link tells you to move the ''Addons'' files from Arma 2 folder to OA, but that is done automatically if you use the full-Arma 2. So that is the difference, have fun! PS: You can add me on Steam if you have further questions or need a partner. :)
  13. I am always Friendly

    this is gonna sound weird...

    Now that ''trust no-one'' thing is total bullshit. You can trust people, but 1st of all trust no one in a ghillie-suit or a bandit skin. I never Shoot on Sight, except for bandits... always.
  14. I am always Friendly

    this is gonna sound weird...

    I raise my hat to you sir, I am one of the few left in my breed. A man with only 2 murders, and 4 months of playing.
  15. I am always Friendly

    this is gonna sound weird...

    No it is not. It is just what people do for fun. The game wasn't meant to be anything like it, but people got bored and started killing each other.