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Everything posted by Chips-

  1. Chips-

    Recording Software in Standalone

    DxTory since ShadowPlay doesn't work properly
  2. Buildings often disappear upon login as well, if they can manually do this and get away with the advantage it's total bs. Inside Elektro hospital
  3. Chips-

    Taking fire, oh noes! D:

    Logged in, ran to the well, had a drink and already some cockface is taking shots at me.
  4. Chips-

    Taking fire, oh noes! D:

    lol scripted, I was just lucky. He was terrible, 9 shots and they all missed. And wtf was the second guy thinking?
  5. Nah they had a friendly fire incident caused by miscommunication. Ignore my commentary, this was a squad wiping itself out LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_Afi_1Qw_E&feature=share&list=UUAS4j3ljzn0Jh1_Rg32mzQg
  6. Bodies not dissappearing needs optimization though, walked into Elektro yesterday where a friend of mine and his buddies had murdered at least 20 people, fps peaked at 14 while outside it was a solid 30 plus
  7. Have you tried it with just 1 card?
  8. Was in the latest patch yesterday, now go find one
  9. Chips-

    Not this again.. *facepalm*

    I can understand a broken leg or going unconcious from a fall like this, but insta-death seems a bit overkill. Funny thing is I entered the castle expecting to break legs or die on the vault up to the bottom floor, that's why I was recording in the middle of nowherre.
  10. My favourite online game (Metal Gear Online 2) was 99% 3rd person and it was competitive as hell. Everyone used tpv to camp corners and it was fine. But it was an arena shooter with 12 players and 5 min rounds so nothing like DayZ.. My post is irrelevant, I like to reminisce about MGO. :(
  11. Chips-

    (Video) The Fight For Pavlovo Military Base

    Pretty funny yeah. KoS near military buildings is fine by me, I expect others to do it in self defense. Good video, nice comms and teamwork. Your looting needs practice, top-down 3rd person view in barracks or the prison is just lazy. There's loot under beds, loot on the beds, under tables etc that are easy to miss like magazines. Always fpv and check with the inventory tabs vicinity if something is hidden.
  12. I say remove it but we need more stances like in ARMA3.
  13. Barns, deer stands, those dark brown wooden houses that were enterable in the mod, no loot spawn yet.
  14. Chips-

    This is not what I hoped DayZ would be

    cry in my balls uehuehuehuehue ko$ 4 lyf
  15. I went from NWAF, Grishino, Gvodzno, Krasnostav, NEAF, Khelm and Berezino without seeing a single player. Fresh towns, more loot than I could carry, fully kitted M4 with 200 rounds, 3 saline bags, pills and vaccines, Protector Case, food for weeks. Stayed in Berezino for the last 2 days hoping to find someone but no luck. Died on the apartment ladder when It dropped me 3m back in the building. Went back to see if my body was there, nothing. Now planning to go back west through Stary and check out the Vybor mil base and NWAF again.
  16. Chips-

    Played for an hour or so today and...

    ..and we don't even have toilet paper yet Make your mind. Is it all or most? I won't and I am armed so
  17. Chips-

    My first hostage

    lol firing squad would have been funny if the burlap sack had worked. gg this is how hostages should be handled
  18. Chips-

    Chernarus Police Department

    inb4 m4d brah?
  19. Chips-

    Lost in the mountains

    F12 for screenshots
  20. Chips-

    Can't run DayZ!

    Are you seriously comparing this with this I don't mean to sound like an asshole but come on, you should know better. btw sorry Mocha Loco for stealing your gorgeous pic like this
  21. Chips-

    Chernarus Police Department

    How come all these videos are of bandits executing unarmed players? Pussies. Show me a real gun fight, not a hopper in Balota killing fresh spawns.
  22. Chips-

    sniping whit the mosin

    Sitting in a bush shooting fresh spawns, bad wookie. Go play BF I'm sure they could use another xXiNsAnE_sNiPeRXx