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About Cap'Qwinky

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  1. Cap'Qwinky

    Reduce fall damage

    Don't worry I two plummeted five feet from halfway down a flight of barn stairs too my death not too long ago... I gave DayZ a break for a few days after that...
  2. Cap'Qwinky

    Small Safe town

    No, people can band together and make their own Idyllic Andrew Ryan Wetdream, but making all the players magically docile in an arbitrary space... Would you kindly not shoot other human beings in Elektro...
  3. Cap'Qwinky


    I'd atleast like the ability to "shout" in direct chat, like press a button and amp up the range and volume of my voice at the cost of pissing off zombies. I don't telling people to drop there guns and their pants in my inside voice...
  4. Cap'Qwinky

    Disable 'attack' while looking at a map!

    You should leave a report in the bug reports: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/83-bug-reports/ This is more of a design/coding oversight (bug) than it is a suggested feature...
  5. Cap'Qwinky


    Bad wording and lack of actually being a paramedic on my behalf, but your right, it was the point I was trying to get at... I just like to dumb everything down to avoid peoples eyes glazing over... My point was more along the lines of people assuming defibrillators were handheld Resurrection pads.
  6. Cap'Qwinky


    Defibrillators aren't sorcery that resurrect the dead, theres like a minute or two window when you can defibrilate someone whose pronounced "dead" before their brain is starved of oxygen to the point of "Brain Dead." So think of it as a way to revive someone from being semi dead, after a few minutes of semi dead they're dead for realsies. In short: Defib doesn't Resurrect people.
  7. Cap'Qwinky

    Bounty Hunt

    Kill a bandit, steal his shit. I'd call that a good enough bounty...
  8. Cap'Qwinky


    Seems kinda frivolous...
  9. Cap'Qwinky

    Visible Injuries?

    As someone who mostly plays a medic type of person thingamajig, it recently occurred to me that how awesome it would be if we were able to see a players health status. But I do loathe health bars in my simulators, for bleeding we already see a jet of dyed propane, for pain we already have players bitching and moaning. But what about other health affects? (is sneezing a thing? I don't remember) Say for the unhealthy of have taken bodily damage blood(dried?) spatter could appear on the clothes model or their face, we already have different textures for ruined clothes with tears and holes in them, why not wounds and dried blood? Broken legs could perhaps look twisted at a sickly angle, bruised deeply or simply bloody, players suffering dehydration and starvation could look more "gaunt" with sunken eyes and very little body fat or muscle tissue. Or perhaps certain bacterial infections leave looking a bit... zombieish... Just my thoughts that I believe would be a welcome Idea somewhere down the line, and it would most certainly tell both heroes and bandits alike who is weak for the taking or who is in dire need of help...
  10. Cap'Qwinky

    Friend stuck in an inescapable room and cant die.

    Step 1.Download like eighty things at once. Step 2. run forward for 5 secs and disconnect. Step 3. Reconnect. It's your best shot...
  11. Cap'Qwinky

    Saline Bags, can someone explain?

    Just have someone else shove it in your veins and you'll be right as rain!
  12. Cap'Qwinky

    Something special happened in Kamyshovo today...

    I am both intrigued and disturbed...
  13. Cap'Qwinky

    How to flip someone off!

    I'm going to have to put that in the description, thanks. *I should probably add a winky...
  14. Cap'Qwinky

    How to flip someone off!

    Y'know what the community needs? A comprehensive tutorial on how to flip someone off ingame that isn't narrated by a prepubescent boy and 20 minutes long! In all seriousness, I got annoyed to hell by people asking me how I give people the proverbial bird, so now I only had to explain once... if intereseted here ye go: